Strange rotation near origin

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0 comments, last by moodiez 10 years, 3 months ago

Hi guys.

To make it short: I'm currently programming a camera-view to move around freely in world space, and I'm getting a strange rotation-behaviour when my camera is close to the world origin (0,0,0).

Normally I would want it to rotate around itself (around an axis pointing to its right and one pointing upwards) when moving the mouse the corresponding directions, which it does, until the view gets close to 0,0,0, then it starts rotating around some other axis, but definitely not around itself.

Hoping someone has advice smile.png

Heres the code doing the work:

Update function for the camera, being called every frame:

void Camera::Update()
	if( fwd || back || left || right || rotate )
		View = XMMatrixLookAtLH( EyePos, Focus, UpDir );

		ForwardVec = XMFLOAT3( View._13, View._23, View._33);
		RightVec = XMFLOAT3( View._11, View._21, 0.0f );

		if( rotate )

		View = XMMatrixInverse( &dump, XMMatrixMultiply( XMMatrixInverse( &dump, View ), Rotation) ); //Rotation being applied here

		ForwardVec = XMFLOAT3( View._13, View._23, View._33);
		RightVec = XMFLOAT3( View._11, View._21, 0.0f );

		if( fwd )

		if( back )

		if( left )

		if( right )

		Translation = XMMatrixTranslation( Offset.x, Offset.y, Offset.z );

		View = XMMatrixInverse( &dump, XMMatrixMultiply( XMMatrixInverse( &dump, View ), Translation) );
		cb.mView = XMMatrixTranspose( View );
		m_pImmediateContext->UpdateSubresource( pConstantBuffer, 0, NULL, &cb, 0, 0 );

Heres the Rotate() function

void Camera::Rotate()
	UpVec = XMVector3Cross( XMLoadFloat3( &ForwardVec ) , XMLoadFloat3( &RightVec ) );

	AngleYaw += (float)pInput->GetMouseDelta().x * RotationSpeed;
	AnglePitch += (float)pInput->GetMouseDelta().y * RotationSpeed;
	Clamp( &AnglePitch, -90.0f * RotationSpeed * 4, 90.0f * RotationSpeed * 4 );

	Rotation = XMMatrixRotationAxis( XMLoadFloat3( &RightVec ), AnglePitch );
	Rotation *= XMMatrixRotationAxis( UpVec, AngleYaw );

Thanks in advance.


Hm, no ideas ? Can someone at least tell me if I'm rotating the view-matrix correctly ?

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