Partitioned chat

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0 comments, last by Thomas Wiborg 10 years, 2 months ago

I think cutting the chat into separate programming/technical, art/sound and design/writing sections would be a good idea, as it would allow people to find those who actually care what they have to say and know ahead of time if they have a chance of actually getting an answer. I don't know if it's feasible, but it would be a solid step up from how it is now, and people who wanted to talk to more than one group still could by just opening multiple tabs, so nothing would be lost.

There's two of us on this account. Jeremy contributes on design posts, Justin does everything else, including replying on those threads. Jeremy is not a people person, so it's Justin you'll be talking to at any given time.

Aelsif's Patreon.


Hmmm, I can surely see the advantage with such a chat. But atm, we are just a few people using the chat, at highest around 20 people online at the same time.

But the way the chat works now is alot more social than dividing it into groups. And I believe most of use the chat mainly because of that.

I realy like how the community in the chat grows. We have around 10 - 15 solid people and new coming in daily/weekly.

So to sum it up....
The forum is for technical +++ questions

The chat is for social and minor technical questions.

//Thomas Wiborg

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