Newbie here!: Looking for good Game Dev sites/book to start with

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20 comments, last by buttnakedhippie 10 years, 2 months ago

I don't know Java that well. I just picked up enough to put together a few Android apps.

What program do you use to put together your Droid apps?



I don't know Java that well. I just picked up enough to put together a few Android apps.

What program do you use to put together your Droid apps?


You will also need the Android Development Kit.

Stay gold, Pony Boy.

You may want to look into a book such as this

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// C++ Video tutorials

// Easy to learn 2D Game Library c++

SFML2.2 Download

SFML2.2 Tutorials

// Excellent 2d physics library Box2D

// SFML 2 book

This definitely looks like it might be worth my money. Thank you very much!

If I was planning on familiarizing myself with Unity3D, where would I learn about object scripts, models, textures, and shaders? Since I'm not very knowledgeable about it, should I stick with a basic program for now?

That is both the blessing and the curse of using a full engine like Unity.

It is wonderful because it provides all the features of a major game engine. You can have all the tools and technologies of a major studio.

It is also terrible because it provides all the features of a major game engine. You are probably just a programmer; you don't have modelers, animators, and technical artists like a major studio.

Both combined become the reason many hobby developers prefer smaller libraries where the programmer can code everything (including all the art) rather than a comprehensive engine that does so much for you. If you can provide basic art assets, simple models, and don't suffer too severely from "programmer art syndrome", engines like Unity can be very nice.

How can a programmer 'code all the art'?

How can a programmer 'code all the art'?

Circles, squares, and lines are built in to most graphics libraries. For 3D libraries there are similar cube, sphere, cone, and similar shapes that you can build.

Also, programmer art is fun. In Visual Studio just open up resource editor, draw some ugly bitmaps, and use them as resources built in to your app.

Circles, squares, and lines are built in to most graphics libraries. For 3D libraries there are similar cube, sphere, cone, and similar shapes that you can build.

Also, programmer art is fun. In Visual Studio just open up resource editor, draw some ugly bitmaps, and use them as resources built in to your app.

Is this something that could utilize my Bamboo tablet that I practice my digital art on?

Is this something that could utilize my Bamboo tablet that I practice my digital art on?

I'm not sure if Visual Studio's editor supports tablets. It could; but I doubt it'd pick up on pressure detection. For that, something like Krita, GIMP, PaintSai, or a program along those sorts may be what you want. If you're learning art, however, I'd vote to actually put the tablet aside, and start at the mouse / paint level, as that helps develop the fundamentals much better. Well, that's how I had learned some, anyway.

Ugh. This is what I'm talking about! I'm still at the very beginning and I just wish there was some sort of linear path to follow. I want to start at the trunk of the tree but I have to pick one of the branches and I don't know which one is best for me.

Is there a book or some sort of resource that goes over the general basics first, or would that probably not even be the route to go? Should I dedicate to learning a language first?

Many people wish there was a linear path to follow.

I know one linear path I wish I could find: The simple, easy, lazy-man's way to become independently wealthy while living in a major first-world city.

Until then, most people forge their own path. They find concept and ideas that interest them for study. They find projects they want to work on. They find jobs at different places that each influence their lives in unique ways.

Finding something are passionate about takes time and effort. Sometimes you need to look at a lot of trees before finding the one you want to climb. But if you are careful and discover your passions, then follow those passions to wherever they lead, life can be pretty fun in spite of the bumps and bruises.

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