Static as substitute of private members.

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18 comments, last by SeanMiddleditch 10 years ago
Alundra, on 11 Apr 2014 - 03:04 AM, said:
On a renderer it's nice to have RenderState class with static variables + Init() to avoid Renderer.cpp of 4000 lines.

That doesn't follow. Nothing about static variables makes the rest of your code smaller. You've got a false equivalency going on here.

I was not clean on this view, but L. Spiro said the reason after.

It's to have a class who store all render state object needed for the render static to avoid to have monster function call with 10 parameters.

And one Init() in RenderState class to avoid Renderer Init() function to be large code.

But I have to say that I don't allow external render state, for example I have that in Material :

enum TBlendMode
  BM_OPAQUE   = 0, //!< Opaque blend mode.
  BM_ADDITIVE = 1, //!< Additive blend mode.
  BM_ALPHA    = 2  //!< Alpha blend mode.
RenderState has (and init) :

ID3D11BlendState* m_OpaqueBlendState; //!< Opaque blend state.
ID3D11BlendState* m_AlphaBlendState; //!< Alpha blend state.
ID3D11BlendState* m_AdditiveBlendState; //!< Additive blend state.
ID3D11BlendState* m_AdditiveSrcAlphaBlendState; //!< AdditiveSrcAlpha blend state.

But it's not just that, it has too :

ID3D11DepthStencilState* m_DisabledDepthStencilState; //!< Disabled depth stencil state.
ID3D11DepthStencilState* m_LessEqualDepthStencilState; //!< Less-Equal depth stencil state.

ID3D11RasterizerState* m_NoneCullRasterizerState; //!< NoneCull rasterizer state.
ID3D11RasterizerState* m_ClockWiseCullRasterizerState; //!< ClockWiseCull rasterizer state.
ID3D11RasterizerState* m_CounterClockWiseCullRasterizerState; //!< CounterClockWiseCull rasterizer state.

ID3D11SamplerState* m_ClampLinearSamplerState; //!< ClampLinear sampler state.
ID3D11SamplerState* m_RepeatLinearSamplerState; //!< RepeatLinear sampler state.
ID3D11SamplerState* m_ClampPointSamplerState; //!< ClampPoint sampler state.
ID3D11SamplerState* m_RepeatPointSamplerState; //!< RepeatPoint sampler state.

I have a list of Vertex/Pixel/Hull/Geometry/Compute shader as well but inside renderer actually, but I would change to avoid monster params function call.

All that combined to give that :

The probleme is to have renderer cleaned about clustered renderer/shadow mapping.


Static is not a replacement for private in C. Declaring and defining them only in the .C file is.

Don't they need to be declared static inside the .C file so that they only visible from within that compilation unit.

No, each compilation unit is compiled individually, a variable has to be declared as extern to become accessible across compilation units.

To expand on what people are saying with a few examples:



extern int x;
void foo(void);


int x;
void foo(void) { x = 1; }


#include "test.h"
int main(void)
    foo(); /* ok */
    x = 6; /* ok */
    return 0;

x and foo() are both visible in external modules.



/* extern int x removed */
void foo(void);


int x;
void foo(void) { x = 1; }


#include "test.h"
int main(void)
    foo(); /* ok */
    x = 6; /* ERROR, x undeclared */
    return 0;

x wasn't declared as extern in the header file and is therefore invisible to external modules.



extern int x;
static void foo(void);


int x;
static void foo(void) { x = 1; }


#include "test.h"
int main(void)
    foo(); /* ERROR: foo() undeclared */
    x = 6; /* ok */
    return 0;

foo() was declared static and therefore is invisible to external modules.

"I would try to find halo source code by bungie best fps engine ever created, u see why call of duty loses speed due to its detail." -- GettingNifty



extern int x;
void foo(void);


int x;
void foo(void) { x = 1; }


#include "test.h"
int main(void)
foo(); /* ok */
x = 6; /* ok */
return 0;

x and foo() are both visible in external modules.

But in this case if you were to declare x as static within test.c you could could redclare it in main and it would be a different variable.

[never mind]

"I would try to find halo source code by bungie best fps engine ever created, u see why call of duty loses speed due to its detail." -- GettingNifty

Static is not a replacement for private in C. Declaring and defining them only in the .C file is.

Don't they need to be declared static inside the .C file so that they only visible from within that compilation unit.

No, each compilation unit is compiled individually, a variable has to be declared as extern to become accessible across compilation units.

If you declare and define the variable in global scope in the .C file, it's implicitly static anyway.

What do you mean "implicitly static"? If you have two compilation units that define variables with the same name in the global scope and none of them are static, you will get a "multiple definition" error when linking. There is no such thing as "implicitly static".

If you DON'T declare it static AND you DON'T declare it extern either BUT you have two variables in two C files both called x AND both files are in the same linker unit you WILL get a linker error because the linker WILL see them as the same object in global scope even though you haven't declared either of them extern. If you declare both variables as static then you will not get a linker error.

Alvaro got there before me.

What do you mean "implicitly static"? If you have two compilation units that define variables with the same name in the global scope and none of them are static, you will get a "multiple definition" error when linking. There is no such thing as "implicitly static".

I was mistaken, sorry.

"I would try to find halo source code by bungie best fps engine ever created, u see why call of duty loses speed due to its detail." -- GettingNifty

Static is not a replacement for private in C. Declaring and defining them only in the .C file is.

L. Spiro

Actually, technically one could import (include) the .c file and use it in another .c file through the extern keyword(which declares, does not define. Hence why header files contain many extern keywords for variables but not for functions, since for global functions it is optional.)

Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600, 2.4 GHz. 3GB RAM. ATI Radeon HD 3400.

As a side note, the actual use of C-style static in global space has really been replaced by anonymous namespaces now and static in global space in C++ is really only for backwards compatibility with legacy C code as far as I'm aware. I prefer anonymous namespaces because its too easy to forget to add static to the front of a new definition but easy to remember to include it in the namespace.

I don't use much, if any, static global state but I tend to put implementation functions in anonymous namespaces to avoid accidental linking and name clashes.

Using static this way used to be deprecated, but is not deprecated in C++ 11 anymore.

Guess they realized it's kind of a silly thing to deprecate.
Static and anonymous namespaces can still lead to problems if you're definining globals or helper functions with identical names. For instance, if you ever try a "unity build" (nothing to do with the game engine).

Name things uniquely. If you need some local helper functions, consider giving them a namespae wrapper, e.g.

// foo.cpp
namespace /*anonymous*/ {
  namespace FooHelpers {
    void do_thing() { /*...*/ {

void PublicClass::Method() {
  using namespace FooHelpers;
  // ...

void PublicClass::OtherMethod() {
  using namespace FooHelpers;
  // ...
using statements in global contexts is also bad in a unity build scenario (even more so than they are in general) so only use them inside function bodies.

Sean Middleditch – Game Systems Engineer – Join my team!

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