Has this code the same function as before?

Started by
1 comment, last by lucky6969b 9 years, 10 months ago

The code is to get the indices from the .obj file that make up a face

static int parseFace(char* row, int* data, int n, int vcnt)
    int j = 0;
    while (*row != '\0')
        // Skip initial white space
        while (*row != '\0' && (*row == ' ' || *row == '\t'))
        char* s = row;
        // Find vertex delimiter and terminated the string there for conversion.
        while (*row != '\0' && *row != ' ' && *row != '\t')
            if (*row == '/') *row = '\0';
        if (*s == '\0')
        int vi = atoi(s);
        data[j++] = vi < 0 ? vi+vcnt : vi-1;
        if (j >= n) return j;
    return j;
static char* parseRow(char* buf, char* bufEnd, char* row, int len)
    bool cont = false;
    bool start = true;
    bool done = false;
    int n = 0;
    while (!done && buf < bufEnd)
        char c = *buf;
        // multirow
        switch (c)
            case '\\':
                cont = true; // multirow
            case '\n':
                if (start) break;
                done = true;
            case '\r':
            case '\t':
            case ' ':
                if (start) break;
                start = false;
                cont = false;
                row[n++] = c;
                if (n >= len-1)
                    done = true;
    row[n] = '\0';
    return buf;
void rcMeshLoaderX::addVertex(float x, float y, float z, int& cap)
    if (m_vertCount+1 > cap)
        cap = !cap ? 8 : cap*2;
        float* nv = new float[cap*3];
        if (m_vertCount)
            memcpy(nv, m_verts, m_vertCount*3*sizeof(float));
        delete [] m_verts;
        m_verts = nv;
    float* dst = &m_verts[m_vertCount*3];
    *dst++ = x*m_scale;
    *dst++ = y*m_scale;
    *dst++ = z*m_scale;
void rcMeshLoaderX::addTriangle(int a, int b, int c, int& cap)
    if (m_triCount+1 > cap)
        cap = !cap ? 8 : cap*2;
        int* nv = new int[cap*3];
        if (m_triCount)
            memcpy(nv, m_tris, m_triCount*3*sizeof(int));
        delete [] m_tris;
        m_tris = nv;
    int* dst = &m_tris[m_triCount*3];
    *dst++ = a;
    *dst++ = b;
    *dst++ = c;


to be replaced

bool rcMeshLoaderX::load(const char* filename)
    char* buf = 0;
    FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
    if (!fp)
        return false;
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
    int bufSize = ftell(fp);
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
    buf = new char[bufSize];
    if (!buf)
        return false;
    fread(buf, bufSize, 1, fp);

    char* src = buf;
    char* srcEnd = buf + bufSize;
    char row[512];
    int face[32];
    float x,y,z;
    int nv;
    int vcap = 0;
    int tcap = 0;
    while (src < srcEnd)
        // Parse one row
        row[0] = '\0';
        src = parseRow(src, srcEnd, row, sizeof(row)/sizeof(char));
        // Skip comments
        if (row[0] == '#') continue;
        if (row[0] == 'v' && row[1] != 'n' && row[1] != 't')
            // Vertex pos
            sscanf(row+1, "%f %f %f", &x, &y, &z);
            addVertex(x, y, z, vcap);
        if (row[0] == 'f')
            // Faces
            nv = parseFace(row+1, face, 32, m_vertCount);
            for (int i = 2; i < nv; ++i)
                const int a = face[0];
                const int b = face[i-1];
                const int c = face[i];
                if (a < 0 || a >= m_vertCount || b < 0 || b >= m_vertCount || c < 0 || c >= m_vertCount)
                addTriangle(a, b, c, tcap);
    delete [] buf;

    // Calculate normals.
    m_normals = new float[m_triCount*3];
    for (int i = 0; i < m_triCount*3; i += 3)
        const float* v0 = &m_verts[m_tris[i]*3];
        const float* v1 = &m_verts[m_tris[i+1]*3];
        const float* v2 = &m_verts[m_tris[i+2]*3];
        float e0[3], e1[3];
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            e0[j] = v1[j] - v0[j];
            e1[j] = v2[j] - v0[j];
        float* n = &m_normals[i];
        n[0] = e0[1]*e1[2] - e0[2]*e1[1];
        n[1] = e0[2]*e1[0] - e0[0]*e1[2];
        n[2] = e0[0]*e1[1] - e0[1]*e1[0];
        float d = sqrtf(n[0]*n[0] + n[1]*n[1] + n[2]*n[2]);
        if (d > 0)
            d = 1.0f/d;
            n[0] *= d;
            n[1] *= d;
            n[2] *= d;
    strncpy(m_filename, filename, sizeof(m_filename));
    m_filename[sizeof(m_filename)-1] = '\0';
    return true;


Replaced by

rcMeshLoaderX::rcMeshLoaderX(CMesh *mesh) {
    void *pVertices;
    int vcap, tcap = 0;

    auto dxMesh = mesh->GetStaticMesh();


    WORD offsetToPosition = 0;

    for (UINT i = 0; i < MAXD3DDECLLENGTH; ++i)
        if (D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION == decl[i].Usage)
            offsetToPosition = decl[i].Offset;

    // Get Vertex Information
    DWORD vertStride = dxMesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex();
    DWORD numVerts = dxMesh->GetNumVertices();
    BYTE* pIndices;    
    dxMesh->LockIndexBuffer(0, (LPVOID*)&pIndices);

    for (DWORD i = 0; i < numVerts/3; ++i) {
        // each vertex has an index, 3 indices become an triangle
        int index0 = *(int*)(&pIndices[vertStride * i + offsetToPosition]);
        int index1 = *(int*)(&pIndices[vertStride * i + offsetToPosition + 1]);
        int index2 = *(int*)(&pIndices[vertStride * i + offsetToPosition + 2]);

        addTriangle(index0, index1, index2, tcap);

    BYTE* pVert;
    dxMesh->LockVertexBuffer(0, (LPVOID*)&pVert);
    for (DWORD i = 0; i < numVerts; ++i)
        D3DXVECTOR3 currentPos = *(D3DXVECTOR3*)(&pVert[vertStride * i + offsetToPosition]);

        // vertices
        const float *v0 = &currentPos.x;
        const float *v1 = &currentPos.y;
        const float *v2 = &currentPos.z;

        addVertex(*v0, *v1, *v2, vcap);

        float e0[3], e1[3];
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            e0[j] = v1[j] - v0[j];
            e1[j] = v2[j] - v0[j];
        float* n = &m_normals[i];
        n[0] = e0[1]*e1[2] - e0[2]*e1[1];
        n[1] = e0[2]*e1[0] - e0[0]*e1[2];
        n[2] = e0[0]*e1[1] - e0[1]*e1[0];
        float d = sqrtf(n[0]*n[0] + n[1]*n[1] + n[2]*n[2]);
        if (d > 0)
            d = 1.0f/d;
            n[0] *= d;
            n[1] *= d;
            n[2] *= d;


I was not quite familiar with the back-culling stuff and other things that

have to be considered on vertex level, so please give me some hints on how correct

this code could be....




First thing wrong that i see is obtaining indices, try something like this:

DWORD indStride = sizeof(WORD);
DWORD opt = dxMesh->GetOptions();
if((opt & D3DXMESH_32BIT) == D3DXMESH_32BIT)
    indStride = sizeof(DWORD);
BYTE* pIndices;    
dxMesh->LockIndexBuffer(0, (LPVOID*)&pIndices);
DWORD numInd = dxMesh->GetNumFaces() * 3;
for(DWORD i = 0; i < numInd; i += 3)
    int index0 = *(int*)(&pIndices[indStride * i + 0]);
        int index1 = *(int*)(&pIndices[indStride * i + 1]);
        int index2 = *(int*)(&pIndices[indStride * i + 2]);

edit: made a mistake, corrected

Works like a charm!



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