Please help. I suck at coding...

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11 comments, last by Avalander 9 years, 10 months ago

Perhaps you should consider a different hobby? If you want to stick to programming, you are going to have to learn to communicate better.

This. Programming is essentially you communicating your ideas with the computer. If you are unable to clearly communicate your thoughts with fellow humans, an unthinking machine has no chance.


If your real objective is to realize a game concept, and that concept does not require cutting edge technology, then I'd recommend not getting too focused on learning a generic programming language like C++ or C#. The learning curve can be steep, and the time between now and having your game complete is likely to be incredibly long, especially if you're already experiencing learning pains.

Learn to use an existing game engine instead, and learn whatever programming language it happens to use. GameMaker Studio, for example, has its own language which isn't directly usable anywhere else. But if your primary objective is not to build a career as a programmer, does that really matter? (Besides, programming concepts tend to translate well between programming languages. Learning additional languages becomes progressively easier the more languages you learn, so it hardly matters which language is your first.)

"We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only, and not for things themselves." - John Locke

Please help. I have had this amazing idea for an 8-bit, side scrolling, survival game, but i have know idea what to do and all the tutorials confuse me...

I basically know how to do the "Hello, World" beginner program and that is it.


Sorry Alvaro.

Yep, C++ is what I am trying to learn, I suck at it, and I SHALL learn and be a pro at it. I have many other hobbies, but I suck the most at this one.

I have just tried to do the basics, and I am okay at javascript.

I'm a bit confused here. Do you want to make a game or to learn C++? Because you're hardly gonna make your dream game while learning a language from the basis.

If the former, as you have stated that you have some skill with javascript, why don't you make your game with javascript? An 8-bit side scrolling game doesn't sound so resource intensive that needs to be coded in C++ to achieve good performance anyways, and it's easier to distribute it to your friends so they can give you feedback.

If the later, I think you should put your game aside for a while and focus on learning the language. There are lots of books for beginners, and I'm sure you can find a fair amount of decent tutorials for beginners in C++ online (just guessing, but if the tutorials confuse you, perhaps you've been looking tutorials too advanced for your current level?).

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