Flickering and dissapearing polygons

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2 comments, last by luizh 22 years, 5 months ago
Does anyone know how to solve this? whenever i try to render a polygon using the gl utilities function (eg. gluSolidSphere, gluSolidCube), these never show when i go fullscreen or when i switch back to window mode. Some times they do show, but then the light is flickering... could it be some Z buffer problem? thx in advance
Remember to clear you viewport/render target every frame. I don''t know anything about OpenGL but if you forget to do so in DX something similar to your problem will happen.


Real programmers don't document, if it was hard to write it should be hard to understand

I dont think thats the problem.. i''m using double buffer and i do clear the viewport every frame.
Check to make sure that the near Z plane is not 0...

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