GLUT Keys??!? Scanning for two keys???

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4 comments, last by fallingbrickwork 22 years, 5 months ago
Hi All, Can you please help me with a small prob? How can I scan for two keyboard presses at the same time?? I''m using the `z` and `x` keys to controls a player ship and the `m` key to fire. If you fire (m key) whilst moving (z/x keys), the ship stops while it sorts out the firing routine and you have to repress the moving keys. How can I fire and move at the same time ?(i.e scan both keys presses). This is my simple key pressing GLUT Function void MyKeys (unsigned char key, int x, int y) { switch (key) { case 27: PostQuitMessage(0); break; case ''z'': PlayerSpeedAdder += 0.0003; break; case ''x'': PlayerSpeedAdder -= 0.0003; break; case ''m'': if (PlayerShotFlag == 0.0) { PlayerShotFlag = 1.0; PlayerPositionXOLD = PlayerPositionX; PlayerShotPositionZ = -2.0; } break; } } Is GLUT able to do what I want?? Cheers!!
Even if multiple keys are pressed do they get reported one after another. You will have to check for both press/release and save the state in some variables. Here is a much better explanation

Remember that some keyboards can not report certain combination of keys.
Well how are you getting your keys?
are you using window messages like wm_keydown and using wParam as your key variable ? if thats the case then try using the "GetAsyncKeyState(vkey);" api call "if your under windows, sorry i dont know the equivalent on u*nx" that should fix it .. just use the window messages to know if there is a key pressed if you dont want to keep it checking with every frame update.

what i think is wrong in your version is that your getting one unsigned char key at a time.. so you cant have two keys at the same time, then again i might be wrong as always .

Edited by - dizman on November 4, 2001 11:11:20 PM
Thanks for all your help. You got me thinking of other ways to test for key presses.

I''ve sorted the prob by using :- GetKeyState

Thanks again
A better way to do it is just:

//Key states
unsigned char keys[256];

MyKeyDown(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
keys[key]=1; //Key hit.

MyKeyUp(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
keys[key]=0; //Key released.

void MyIdle(void)
if (keys[''z'']) //Do stuff
if (keys[''x'']) //do stuff
if (keys[''m'']) //do stuff
if (keys[27]) exit(0); // or PostQuitMessage(0);
//You can now have several things going on at once (multiple keys).

void ResetKeys(void)
for (int ctr=0;ctr!=256;++ctr) keys[ctr]=0; //Sets all keys to 0

int main(int argc, char **argv)
//Other glut init and window stuff here.
procKeyboard(MyKeyDown); //Keyboard hit
procKeyboardUp(MyKeyUp); //Keyboard released.

By the way.. (that was my post)... I beleive that is more efficient (read, doesn''t require as much of the CPU) than GetKeyState, and isn''t windows specific either (which is the point of using OpenGL and glut).

Billy -> if you need anything, email me.

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