quick concept - take a look?

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5 comments, last by ShiftyCake 9 years, 9 months ago

as the title says, quick and dirty. I haven't thought through it yet, only wrote up my the concept, bit of background and an explanation of various things. Looking for a couple of things.

has this been done somewhere (concept wise)? If so, where?

and any ideas or thoughts on it, even if its to say don't do this idea.

thanks for your time.

EDIT: I just realised my basic concept doesn't cover how the gameplay itself will work. It'll be a building game, with exploration and fighting etc. you'll also be able to create living things, making you sort of a god. you have to defend your base and go out and explore for resources, attacking areas that are defended. I'll probably be adding that living things are attracted to resources subconsciously, so the more powerful the resource the larger and harder the force you face. I'm sorry im not more specific about what the game is, since I was looking at how it is.

EDIT: to be honest, I just realised how off-putting my title is so I changed it :/


Basic concept
you're a Runewalker, humans with the ability to create objects out of runecrafted schematics. The resources themselves are the power, the runes only channel that power. The rarer the resource, the more powerful its rune magic.
Short background
You're the last of your kind. An event similar to the one that killed the dinosaurs so long ago occurred when least expected. Your father, a prodigy in the world of runewalkers, shoved you in a prototype box made out of the rarest resource in the world, space rock. This box acted as a life support for 500 years (the main character does not know how long its been), it was as if time was frozen inside. However when he awoke and the box opened, all he could see was wasteland and emptiness. Was anyone still left.
Were they even human anymore.
basic gameplay mechanics
runes: runes are resources made into certain shapes, each shape representing something different: i.e. nature, civilisation etc. runes only channel the resources power however.
Resources: resources are not of the same concept as those of Earth. resources in this world literally mean objects with power. This power is channeled into runes in order to craft various things. Resources could be anything from stone to gold to wood, they could be certain pieces of wood while not others from the same tree. Because of this, only those who can identify a resources wavelengths are able to use this power. They are called Runewalkers.
note: wood can be crafted into a civilisation rune, gold can be crafted into a nature rune. It doesn't matter, only the power does. however, each different material puts its own unique spin on what is crafted. a plant crafted rune made into a house will have some visual change of a garden sorrounding the house etc. and defenses will be plant defenses (think plants vs zombies). This is only aesthetic change, nothing else. however it'll provide a nice variety.
wavelengths: in essence, wavelengths are their 'power'. However, the larger the wavelength doesnt necessarily mean the wavelength is more powerful. each wavelength is different, they have different frequencies; differenct colours; different sizes etc. anyone can see a wavelength, only runewalkers can identify them. It's a 6th sense, they just know what a wavelength is. This is why it cannot be reproduced. They are very rare, and so extremely honored.
runecrafted schematics: schematics crafted out of runes. Once a rune has been crafted into its type, it cannot be changed even if its shape is changed. This allows for the melding of runes in order to create a larger mass. the more powerful and bigger the item being made, the more runes needed. Both power and size are not directly linked, having a huge powerful object will cost a lot more then just a powerful object. This is how schematics are made. It requires great skill as you have to manipulate wavelengths in order to match each other. The rarer the resource, the harder it is.
note: you can make a defense schematic and use it, then craft an additional schematic that adds on, say, a more powerful cannon. It's an early skill developed for Runewalkers in order to reduce waste, as you only need the runes to add the extra defense, and not the whole defence.
note: once a schematic is used, it breaks.
how rarity works: you can build the same things with rarer resources, they will just be more powerful. Some of the rarest materials hold special properties that give unique positive bonsues to what is crafted out of them. Where as all the basic resources have special properties that give unique negative bonuses to what is crafted out of them. This excludes the basic schematics.

If, at any point, what I post is hard to understand, tell me. I am bad at projecting my thoughts into real words, so I appreciate the knowledge that I need to edit my post.

I am not a professional writer, nor a professional game designer. Please, understand that everything you read is simply an opinion of mind and should not, at any point in time, be taken as a credible answer unless validated by others.


I think there are ways to add additional complexity to the crafting (as it's a major feature). If you borrow from physics:

  • Interference - combining two things with the same frequency can both cause extra strength and extra weakness.
  • "Beats" - combining two frequencies also creates a third frequency which is mathematically related to the other two.
  • Resonance - a frequency is strengthened if the size of the object is a multiple of the wavelength.

However personally I'd be careful to use physics terminology correctly if you use it. I interpreted your post as saying that the frequency and wavelength were independent of each other.

I think there are ways to add additional complexity to the crafting (as it's a major feature). If you borrow from physics:

  • Interference - combining two things with the same frequency can both cause extra strength and extra weakness.
  • "Beats" - combining two frequencies also creates a third frequency which is mathematically related to the other two.
  • Resonance - a frequency is strengthened if the size of the object is a multiple of the wavelength.

However personally I'd be careful to use physics terminology correctly if you use it. I interpreted your post as saying that the frequency and wavelength were independent of each other.

ah, I was trying to say that each wavelengths dependent variables are entirely random. That's why only runewalkers can understand them with their 6th sense. so yeah, frequency is a dependent variable. however, when you said that you got me thinking. Perhaps the two options, size and power could be separated. Size uses wavelengths where as power uses frequency. Then the dependent variables could be different colours, looks etc.

I really like where you are going with the crafting complexity. I'm interested in converting that into a visual identification. So you can look at runes you've crafted and determine what works better with what. Perhaps have an option in the game where you can either have the game automatically recommend its closest suited rune (for beginners) while the other lets you look yourself and determine. The disadvantage of the automated system could be that it only looks at one part of the wavelength or frequency, say its colour.

additionally, I'd be interested in having some different crafting skills that could increase the runes strength etc. but be risky. so a 20% chance of failure, and it goes up the further you want it strengthened. This'll give a risk vs reward feel to the system.

However I don't want to over complicate the crafting system. It might be good to put in rpg elements into the building, so different paths you take allow you to do different things. this'll simplify it but keep it complicated at the same time.

I believe I'm rambling, but great thoughts jeffery. thanks a lot.

If, at any point, what I post is hard to understand, tell me. I am bad at projecting my thoughts into real words, so I appreciate the knowledge that I need to edit my post.

I am not a professional writer, nor a professional game designer. Please, understand that everything you read is simply an opinion of mind and should not, at any point in time, be taken as a credible answer unless validated by others.

The hardest thing for me, I think, is that you are currently only describing "flavor" rather than any sort of game mechanics or actual design-y info. For instance:

basic gameplay mechanics
runes: runes are minerals made into certain shapes, each shape representing something different: i.e. nature, civilisation etc. runes only channel the minerals power however.

If you listed the actual shapes and what they represent you would likely get actual feedback. At this point runes mean relatively little in the design sense. They are things that represent things, but there is no definite thing that you are talking about.

wavelengths: in essence, wavelengths are their 'power'. However, the larger the wavelength doesnt necessarily mean the wavelength is more powerful. each wavelength is different, they have different frequencies; differenct colours; different sizes etc. anyone can see a wavelength, only runewalkers can identify them. It's a 6th sense, they just know what a wavelength is. This is why it cannot be reproduced. They are very rare, and so extremely honored.

I find this difficult to read, to understand, and to attempt to dissect. So far I have the gameplay being There are Things that represent Things that each have a Power.

runecrafted schematics: schematics crafted out of runes. Once a rune has been crafted into its type, it cannot be changed even if its shape is changed. This allows for the melding of runes in order to create a larger mass. the more powerful and bigger the item being made, the more runes needed. Both power and size are not directly linked, having a huge powerful object will cost a lot more then just a powerful object. This is how schematics are made. It requires great skill as you have to manipulate wavelengths in order to match each other. The rarer the mineral, the harder it is.
note: you can make a defense schematic and use it, then craft an additional schematic that adds on, say, a more powerful cannon. It's an early skill developed for Runewalkers in order to reduce waste, as you only need the runes to add the extra defense, and not the whole defence.
note: once a schematic is used, it breaks.

This comes close to describing gameplay (I think). Something helpful might be a tech-tree or a list of Things that Represent Things that each have a Power that you can Craft/Combine based on some sort of actual skill name and level. For instance:

Skill: Rune Schematic Makin' Level II

Description: Allows you to combine up to (some appropriate number) runes into schematics.

Prerequisites: Rune Schematic Makin' Level I

how rarity works: you can build the same things with rarer minerals, they will just be more powerful. Some of the rarest materials hold special properties that give unique positive bonsues to what is crafted out of them. Where as all the basic minerals have special properties that give unique negative bonuses to what is crafted out of them. This excludes the basic schematics.

What is the distribution of rare Things that... oh, you know. I'll just say it: Runes. Are they randomly dispersed? Are they specifically hidded or located in designed areas?

There is no game here. It is all backstory and words. Don't take offence -- I've sat through lots of entertainment that suffers from the same initial confusion. But, if you want to design a game, you should post game design elements. If you just want a "Cool story" and a thumbs up, then, well... I just wasted your time and mine.

Indie games are what indie movies were in the early 90s -- half-baked, poorly executed wastes of time that will quickly fall out of fashion. Now go make Minecraft with wizards and watch the dozen or so remakes of Reservior Dogs.

The hardest thing for me, I think, is that you are currently only describing "flavor" rather than any sort of game mechanics or actual design-y info. For instance:

basic gameplay mechanics
runes: runes are minerals made into certain shapes, each shape representing something different: i.e. nature, civilisation etc. runes only channel the minerals power however.

If you listed the actual shapes and what they represent you would likely get actual feedback. At this point runes mean relatively little in the design sense. They are things that represent things, but there is no definite thing that you are talking about.

wavelengths: in essence, wavelengths are their 'power'. However, the larger the wavelength doesnt necessarily mean the wavelength is more powerful. each wavelength is different, they have different frequencies; differenct colours; different sizes etc. anyone can see a wavelength, only runewalkers can identify them. It's a 6th sense, they just know what a wavelength is. This is why it cannot be reproduced. They are very rare, and so extremely honored.

I find this difficult to read, to understand, and to attempt to dissect. So far I have the gameplay being There are Things that represent Things that each have a Power.

runecrafted schematics: schematics crafted out of runes. Once a rune has been crafted into its type, it cannot be changed even if its shape is changed. This allows for the melding of runes in order to create a larger mass. the more powerful and bigger the item being made, the more runes needed. Both power and size are not directly linked, having a huge powerful object will cost a lot more then just a powerful object. This is how schematics are made. It requires great skill as you have to manipulate wavelengths in order to match each other. The rarer the mineral, the harder it is.
note: you can make a defense schematic and use it, then craft an additional schematic that adds on, say, a more powerful cannon. It's an early skill developed for Runewalkers in order to reduce waste, as you only need the runes to add the extra defense, and not the whole defence.
note: once a schematic is used, it breaks.

This comes close to describing gameplay (I think). Something helpful might be a tech-tree or a list of Things that Represent Things that each have a Power that you can Craft/Combine based on some sort of actual skill name and level. For instance:

Skill: Rune Schematic Makin' Level II

Description: Allows you to combine up to (some appropriate number) runes into schematics.

Prerequisites: Rune Schematic Makin' Level I

how rarity works: you can build the same things with rarer minerals, they will just be more powerful. Some of the rarest materials hold special properties that give unique positive bonsues to what is crafted out of them. Where as all the basic minerals have special properties that give unique negative bonuses to what is crafted out of them. This excludes the basic schematics.

What is the distribution of rare Things that... oh, you know. I'll just say it: Runes. Are they randomly dispersed? Are they specifically hidded or located in designed areas?

There is no game here. It is all backstory and words. Don't take offence -- I've sat through lots of entertainment that suffers from the same initial confusion. But, if you want to design a game, you should post game design elements. If you just want a "Cool story" and a thumbs up, then, well... I just wasted your time and mine.

as the title says, quick and dirty. I haven't thought through it yet, only wrote up my the concept

I was attempting to explain with this is I haven't started on any in-depth information for the gameplay elements, so you won't find them in my post. I didn't want to start on the actual design before I slept on it, but I was too interested in it to totally ignore it. I was looking for if anyone had seen a similar concept before, or if they had any input on the concept.

However, I have difficulty transferring thoughts to words when it comes to my imagination. So I can understand that you are confused, and don't really know what my game is about.

EDIT: I just realised my basic concept doesn't cover how the gameplay itself will work. It'll be a building game, with exploration and fighting etc. you'll also be able to create living things, making you sort of a god. you have to defend your base and go out and explore for minerals, attacking areas that are defended. I'll probably be adding that living things are attracted to minerals subconsciously, so the more powerful the mineral the larger and harder the force you face. I'm sorry im not more specific about what the game is, since I was looking at how it is.

This was an attempt to represent the gameplay aspect, but it's incomplete because I will no doubt be changing a lot of it once I get to the actual design. now, I'll answer your actual questions to an extent.


runes represent a certain category of 'things' each. Say nature represents what you would typically find in nature. civilisation would be what you would find in civilisation. you can combine them to make things that contain more then one category. For example, a farm might need 2 nature runes and 1 civilisation rune where as a well might need 2 civilisation runes and 1 nature rune. As to their actual shapes, that'll come when I design it. It's not really necessary to start off with since its only a visual aesthetic.

objects have the ability to hold power that runewalkers can use. What this power is, I'll figure out at a later date. in my initial thoughts, 'wavelength' was quite literally the objects power. However wavelengths aren't linear in their power levels. A larger red wavelength might be less powerful then a wavelength that is blue. Which makes me think perhaps different wavelengths are better suited to be made into different runes. Then when jefferey posted, it started getting complicated so im going actually not talk about this right now. I'll put some time aside tomorrow to figure it out.

runecrafted schematics will be the core of the game, I want you to be literally building a civilization around yourself. at least, that's what I originally want you to do.

It won't be classic unlock as you progress, so a tech-tree wont be implemented. Everything will be available at the start of the game to make, however you need the skill and runes to make them. Not to mention if a rune is less powerful then the design it causes negative effects when crafted.

rarity. now here I believe is the core of the problem with my topic. When I first start designing a game, I look at it as a world rather then simply a game. So when I talk about 'rarity' and 'wavelengths' i'm explaining how they work rather then what they are, or where they go etc. So I'm going to conclude here that I'll start working out the core gameplay elements and how they interact with each other tomorrow, then make a post about it.

I apologise if I sound abrupt or I'm still not explaining things right, its 4 am here and I really need to get some sleep.

If, at any point, what I post is hard to understand, tell me. I am bad at projecting my thoughts into real words, so I appreciate the knowledge that I need to edit my post.

I am not a professional writer, nor a professional game designer. Please, understand that everything you read is simply an opinion of mind and should not, at any point in time, be taken as a credible answer unless validated by others.

This concept interests me. smile.png It resembles some of my past designs a little bit, but noting I've actually played, unless you want to count the 2 genres of time management and strategy games where you can create units from resources; that's a pretty vague similarity though.

What are the enemies in this game? Also, one easy improvement would be, get a better word than "minerals".

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

This concept interests me. smile.png It resembles some of my past designs a little bit, but noting I've actually played, unless you want to count the 2 genres of time management and strategy games where you can create units from resources; that's a pretty vague similarity though.

What are the enemies in this game? Also, one easy improvement would be, get a better word than "minerals".

so as I was typing all this up in answer to your question, chrome decided to close itself. Because of this, what I post from now on is a second attempt at answering your question. I may edit in parts I forgot of my first attempt later.
Ohk, so I digressed a bit to start off with. I wanted to talk about the approach I wanted to take on the world itself. It's post-apocolypse, but its take a different approach on the apocolyptic world. In this world, you are no longer wanted. Earth has moved on, a new dominant species has been produced and is surviving, you are no longer part of its equation. In order to emphasse this, as you move further up in the world and start attacking more and rarer minerals, you start encountering entire civilisations like say, what we would call a town or city. In these places, women and children, the defenceless, are there. You are given two choices, kill them or let them live. Letting them live will make them seek revenge, making all subsequent battles against their race harder. This includes 'invading' but that's a topic for when I actually develop it.
So I really wanted to alienate you as a person attempting to survive in this desolate place. Make you feel like you shouldn't be there in the first place, like when a new species is introduced into an ecosystem that tips the ecosystem out of balance. Entire species can get wiped out when that happens, causing a chain reaction that wipes out more species etc. I might implement something like that actually. Make some enemies that appear really aggressive and unnecessary, but after killing enough and making them extinct, you find other things that are no longer there like certain animals.
I think I put more in on this, but I cant recalls, so moving onto answering your enemy question. There will be two categories of enemies (neutralo and aggressive), however I wont go too indepth with them as I haven't got quite that far.
Neutral - enemies that are passive in nature, some will attack you when provoked or defend themselves (think turtle) or run:
  • Animals - very few animals still exist, however those that do have been changed beyond recognition in order to adapt to the new environment. These animals will only defend and run, never attack. Many have developed intelligent thinking (this'll be an interesting addition, as im going to make it something you need to discover for yourself).
  • Dominant species ( a name later) - the Dom are a naturally passive race, they don't seek conflict but rather aim for the survival of their race. All resources is shared within this species, and they naturally congregate towards minerals. They have yet to develop the sixth sense humans had however. They will attack if you come anywhere near their home, however, as they are very wary olf the outside world.
Aggressive - these enemies will attack on sight (their sight to clarify, you might not see them), some enemies seek to stall your time and not hurt you. This is a strategy for slow but strong enemies to reach you and kill you:
  • The Cursed (better name later) - In a desperate last attempt to preserve humanity, a runewalker created the dream machine, a machine that quite literally makes dreams a reality. However the runes he used and his skill was so undermatched that the negative effect when created it quite literally made the humans into the nightmares they dreamed about. The machine itself degraded over time into nothing, but the people lived on (this'll involve monsters like giant spiders or cyclops etc.).
  • The New (new species created, this includes plants etc.) - fo reasons unknown, any species created after the event are inherently aggressive. They will attack on sight, kill their targets, and then retreat. It appears that they do not need food or resources form those they attack, so the reasons are yet unknown (there will be a reason for this, but I haven't decided what yet).
I think I can settle with these 4 categories, as they will encompass quite a lot of species. The neutral species will be a lot fewer then the aggressive ones, as I want to make this new world feel inherently harsh. They'll also be able to 'invade' your home if an aggressive species happens to pass by. This is the same with your main enemy, The Dom species. SO an interesting gameplay feature might be drawing enemies to the Dom, and then using stealth tricks to hide so that they go for them. If they kill the women and children instead of you, nothing changes in according to your moral inclinations. I like this concept, as it really signifies the reality of morally right or wrong choices. While technically you didn't do it directly so you didnt commit the morally wrong action, you were involved. Then it's entirely up to you to decide if this is ohk. I'll also include the Dom species invading once they have been invaded enough, so really they are a retaliation species, but moving on. Although since they are a species like humans, they can defy their nature to a certain extent. This may be such an example.
another word for minerals? I agree, I like putting in words that we already know for things to begin with because its easier to understand. however, I think even that has had the opposite affect with minerals as they are completely different to what they are on Earth. For now I'll probably settle with changing it to Resources, I'll come up with a name at a later date.

If, at any point, what I post is hard to understand, tell me. I am bad at projecting my thoughts into real words, so I appreciate the knowledge that I need to edit my post.

I am not a professional writer, nor a professional game designer. Please, understand that everything you read is simply an opinion of mind and should not, at any point in time, be taken as a credible answer unless validated by others.

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