Culling and objects management

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1 comment, last by cozzie 9 years, 9 months ago

Let say I have couple of thousands moving objects in my scene and i want to use frustum-sphere test to cull invisible ones.
Then in my code i have something like this:

struct BoundingSphere
   float x, y, z, radius;

struct ObjectsDetailPool
    BoundingSphere bs[MAX_OBJECTS];
    uint64_t visible[MAX_OBJECTS]; // 64 possible views
    DrawableThing dt[MAX_OBJECTS]; // mesh data

struct Object
    BoundingSphere* pbs;
    uint64_t* pvisible;
    DrawableThing* pdt;

vector<Object> vobjs;

... //here cull for all views

// draw

...//set shader...
for(auto& obj : vobjs)
    if(obj.pvisible ...) // this is bad?

...// repeat draw for each view

But lot of texts say this is bad because of branch mispredictions and what not, usually there is a lot of criticism but none of the solutions shown.

I dont understand how should i construct/manage this list then?
Should i partition the vector? So i swap-back invisible objects and store iterator where visible ends, but then again i have a branch because i need to check if it is visible.
Create a new vector and push_back only visible objects? But then again i have a branch because i need to check if it is visible.

The results of culling should be stored in a separate vector. You don’t go over the main vector and mark things, you add pointers to them to a second vector.

The new list contains pointers to objects that are known to be visible, reducing the length of following for-loops and eliminating all of your concerns over branching.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

I'd say the same and do it like this:

- cull and save visibility state per mesh instance's renderables

- save just an index with the ID's of the ones that are visible

- then render the 'bucket' using the ID list

/***								CREATE BUCKET OPAQUE							***/
/*** ==> usage: to generate index (render bucket) with visible opaque renderables 	***/
/*** ==> refills the index/bucket with ID's of visible renderables					***/

bool CRenderQueue::CreateBucketOpaque()

	for(size_t rend=0;rend<mRenderablesOpaque.size();++rend)
	return true;

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