GDI textout and DirectDraw problem

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1 comment, last by DEimers 22 years, 5 months ago
I wrote an application using directdraw for output and i decided to use textout to print the framerate. The problem is when i write to the screen the ouput is not cleared. Example: When i first write ''20'' to the screen en after this ''10'' the first location (2 and 1) get mixed up like it''s not cleared up or something.. I really don''t know where this problem comes from.. I included the source (cpp + h).. // Video.h: interface for the CVideo class. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _CVIDEO_H #define _CVIDEO_H #include class CVideo { public: void Flip(); void DrawTextGDI(char *pcText, ...); void Draw(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpddsSource, RECT rSrc, RECT rDest); bool Init(HWND hWindow, int iWidth = 640, int iHeight = 480, int iColorDepth = 16, int iBufferCount = 1, bool bClipper = true); void Shutdown(); static CVideo *GetInstance() {static CVideo vidInstance; return &vidInstance } private: CVideo(); bool AttachClipper(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE surface, int x, int y, int width, int height); LPDIRECTDRAW m_lpdd; // DirectDraw Object DDSURFACEDESC m_ddsd; // DirectDraw Surface Description Structure LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE m_lpddsprimary; // DirectDraw Primary Surface LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE m_lpddsback; // DirectDraw Back Surface LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER m_lpddclipper; // DirectDraw Clipper }; #endif // Video.cpp: implementation of the CVideo class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Video.h" #include "LogFile.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CVideo::CVideo() { m_lpdd = NULL; // DirectDraw Object m_lpddsprimary = NULL; // DirectDraw Primary Surface m_lpddsback = NULL; // DirectDraw Back Surface m_lpddclipper = NULL; // DirectDraw Clipper CLogFile *plLogFile; // Acces the singleton plLogFile = CLogFile::GetInstance(); // plLogFile->Printf("CVideo\t\tCreated\n"); } bool CVideo::Init(HWND hWindow, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iColorDepth, int iBufferCount, bool bClipper) { //Create Instance Of A DirectDraw Object if (FAILED(DirectDrawCreate(NULL, &m_lpdd, NULL))) { CLogFile *plLogFile; // Acces the singleton plLogFile = CLogFile::GetInstance(); // plLogFile->Printf("CVideo::Init CRITICAL ERROR DirectDrawCreate\n"); return false; } //Set Cooperative Level To Fullscreen And Exclusive if(FAILED(m_lpdd->SetCooperativeLevel(hWindow, DDSCL_FULLSCREEN | DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE))) { CLogFile *plLogFile; // Acces the singleton plLogFile = CLogFile::GetInstance(); // plLogFile->Printf("CVideo::Init CRITICAL ERROR SetCooperativeLevel\n"); return false; } //Set Display Mode if (FAILED(m_lpdd->SetDisplayMode(iWidth, iHeight, iColorDepth))) { CLogFile *plLogFile; // Acces the singleton plLogFile = CLogFile::GetInstance(); // plLogFile->Printf("CVideo::Init CRITICAL ERROR SetDisplayMode\n"); return false; } //Surface Description Structure memset(&m_ddsd,0,sizeof(m_ddsd)); m_ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(m_ddsd); m_ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT; m_ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE | DDSCAPS_FLIP | DDSCAPS_COMPLEX; m_ddsd.dwBackBufferCount = 1; //1 = double buffering, 2 = triplebuffering //Create The Primary Surface if(FAILED(m_lpdd->CreateSurface(&m_ddsd, &m_lpddsprimary, NULL))) { CLogFile *plLogFile; // Acces the singleton plLogFile = CLogFile::GetInstance(); // plLogFile->Printf("CVideo::Init CRITICAL ERROR CreateSurface\n"); return false; } m_ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER; //Create The Back Surface if (FAILED(m_lpddsprimary->GetAttachedSurface(&m_ddsd.ddsCaps, &m_lpddsback))) { CLogFile *plLogFile; // Acces the singleton plLogFile = CLogFile::GetInstance(); // plLogFile->Printf("CVideo::Init CRITICAL ERROR GetAttachedSurface\n"); return false; } if (bClipper) { //Attach Clipper To Surface With Size: iWidth x iHeight if(!AttachClipper(m_lpddsback, 0, 0, iWidth, iHeight)) { CLogFile *plLogFile; // Acces the singleton plLogFile = CLogFile::GetInstance(); // plLogFile->Printf("CVideo::Init CRITICAL ERROR AttachClipper\n"); return false; } } CLogFile *plLogFile; // Acces the singleton plLogFile = CLogFile::GetInstance(); // plLogFile->Printf("CVideo\t\tInit\t\t(%d x %d x %d) BackBuffers=%d Clipping=%d \n", iWidth, iHeight, iColorDepth, iBufferCount, bClipper); return true; } void CVideo::Shutdown() { if(m_lpddsback) { m_lpddsback->Release(); m_lpddsback = NULL; } if(m_lpddsprimary) { m_lpddsprimary->Release(); m_lpddsprimary = NULL; } if(m_lpdd) { m_lpdd->Release(); m_lpdd = NULL; } CLogFile *plLogFile; // Acces the singleton plLogFile = CLogFile::GetInstance(); // plLogFile->Printf("CVideo\t\tShutdown\n"); } bool CVideo::AttachClipper(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE surface, int x, int y, int width, int height) { //Region Data Struct Needed To Fill In The Clipper Info LPRGNDATA rd; RECT rRect = {x, y, width, height}; //Create DirectDraw Clipper if(FAILED(m_lpdd->CreateClipper(0, &m_lpddclipper, NULL))) { CLogFile *plLogFile; // Acces the singleton plLogFile = CLogFile::GetInstance(); // plLogFile->Printf("CVideo::Init CRITICAL ERROR AttachClipper\n"); return false; } //Allocate Memory For The Region Data rd = (LPRGNDATA)malloc(sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER)+sizeof(RECT)); //Copy The Rect Data Into The RGNDATA Buffer memcpy(rd->Buffer, &rRect, sizeof(RECT)); rd->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER); rd->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; rd->rdh.nCount = 1; rd->rdh.nRgnSize = sizeof(RECT); rd->rdh.rcBound.left = x; rd->rdh.rcBound.right = x+width; rd-> = y; rd->rdh.rcBound.bottom = y+height; //Set Clip List With LPGRNDATA Info if(FAILED(m_lpddclipper->SetClipList(rd, 0))) { return false; } //Attach Clipper To The Surface if(FAILED(surface->SetClipper(m_lpddclipper))) { return false; } free(rd); return true; } void CVideo::Draw(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpddsSource, RECT rSrc, RECT rDest) { m_lpddsback->Blt(&rDest, lpddsSource, &rSrc, DDBLT_WAIT, NULL); } void CVideo::Flip() { m_lpddsprimary->Flip(NULL, DDFLIP_WAIT); } void CVideo::DrawTextGDI(char *pcText, ...) { HDC xdc; char acBuffer[1024]; va_list vaArgList; //Variable Argument List // print out the string using the variable number of arguments on stack va_start (vaArgList, pcText); vsprintf (acBuffer, pcText, vaArgList); va_end (vaArgList); if (FAILED(m_lpddsback->GetDC(&xdc))) //Get Device Context From DirectDraw Surface return; SetTextColor(xdc,RGB(255, 255, 255)); //Set Front White And Background Transparent SetBkMode(xdc, TRANSPARENT); TextOut(xdc,10,10,acBuffer,strlen(acBuffer)); m_lpddsback->ReleaseDC(xdc); //Release The Device Context } Judging by the past, it seems certain that something we cannot imagine today will dominate the landscape in 2021. That''''s why the future of the PC is even more exciting than the past.
Judging by the past, it seems certain that something we cannot imagine today will dominate the landscape in 2021. That''s why the future of the PC is even more exciting than the past.
Are you sure you are erasing the screen each frame, and then outputing the framerate?
Here's a new dance everyone can do, do the Kirby:<(*.*<) <(^.^)> (>*.*)> <(^.^)> <(*.*<) (>^.^)>
Yes I did. I use this (source included) method:

void CVideo::Clear()
DDBLTFX ddbltfx;
memset(&ddbltfx, 0, sizeof(ddbltfx));
ddbltfx.dwSize = sizeof(ddbltfx);
ddbltfx.dwFillColor = RGB(0,0,0);
m_lpddsback->Blt(NULL, NULL, NULL, DDBLT_COLORFILL, &ddbltfx);

I found out the problem, I should have used DDBLT_WAIT too, but I really don't understand why! Anyway problem solved.. everybody is happy

Thanks in advance

Edited by - DEimers on November 5, 2001 3:13:23 AM

Edited by - DEimers on November 5, 2001 3:38:13 AM
Judging by the past, it seems certain that something we cannot imagine today will dominate the landscape in 2021. That''s why the future of the PC is even more exciting than the past.

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