who knows the masm version of OpenGL ?

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18 comments, last by comofmic at juno dot com 22 years, 5 months ago
could someone here tell me which mail client to use ?
if someone would give me there e-mail address then i could send them a disfunctional masm program or script or what ever you call the source code .
post it here.

D.V.Carpe Diem
All your base are belong to us!
i am having trouble with this . who wants to help ? im simply trying to make a loop to generate approx. 20 million triangles as simple particles . the loop doesnt work for some reason or it makes no difference whether i use it or not . what am i leaving out ? what order did i mess up ?

xor ecx,ecx ;sets ecx = 0
DrawGLScene proc
invoke glLoadIdentity ;resets modelview matrix (x=h,y=v,z=d) before you move plotter
;.REPEAT ;loop start
fld sinx ;load sinx
fadd i ;(sinx+i)
fsin ;calculate sine(sinx+i)
fmul xl ;xl*sine(sinx+i)
fstp x ;x=xl
fld siny ;load siny
fadd i ;(siny+i)
fsin ;calculate sine(siny+i)
fmul yl ;yl*sine(siny+i)
fstp y ;y=yl
;fld sinz ;load sinz
;fadd i ;(sinz+i)
;fsin ;calculate sine(sinz+i)
;fadd zl ;zl*sine(sinz+i)
;fstp z ;z=zl
invoke glCallList, cell
fld x
fsub i
fstp r2
fld i
fadd ii ;increment i by ii scale
fstp i ;store in i
inc ecx ;increment ecx
mov eax, 1 ;
.UNTIL ecx==20000 ;loop until ecx = value
DrawGLScene endp

invoke glNewList, cell, GL_COMPILE
invoke glBegin, GL_TRIANGLES ;TYPE triangle
_glColor3f r1,g1,b1 ;COLOR R G B
_glVertex3f x1,y1,z1 ;POINT center top vertex (corner)
_glColor3f r2,g2,b2 ;.COLOR R G B
_glVertex3f x2,y2,z2 ;POINT left bottom vertex (corner)
_glColor3f r3,g3,b3 ;COLOR R G B
_glVertex3f x3,y3,z3 ;POINT right bottom vertex (corner)
invoke glEnd ;fill it in & end
invoke glEndList
Um maybe because you commented out the .REPEAT line? And I think you are only doing 20k points not 20M
it would be alot easier to comunicate over E-MAIL .

besides not commenting about the .until is there a problem ?
What about switching those two lines :

.UNTIL ecx==20000 ;loop until ecx = value


.UNTIL ecx==20000 ;loop until ecx = value

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