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6 comments, last by netdev 22 years, 5 months ago
How do you edit another form, from the one you are in? I''ll explain, I have this little KidsQuiz thing. The user types his/her/it name in the menu. I want the name they typed to pop-up in another form. EX: Hello (name) your score is (score) HELP!!!
Don't do that!
Go away.

Ok, seriously. Have you programmed anything in VB yet? have you done any tutorials or read ANY books? No? Then why are you trying to make a game?

A computer/video game is a peice of software, much like a wordprocessor or a spreadsheet. Like the wordprocessor and spreadsheet, games must be written in programming/scripting languages. They require an understanding of certain fundamental tenets of programming such as what variables are and how to use them; what functions/subroutines are and how to call them, how to pass arguments to them and how to obtain results from them; what loops/iterations are and how to construct them; what branches and conditionals are and where, when and how to use them.

So go learn basic BASIC programming. Then try to make a game. It''ll be easier on you.

P.S. If you''re not a novice programmer and are offended by my assumption that you''re a newbie - YOU SUCK! ;p Bwahahahahaa...

I wanna work for Microsoft!
say you have two forms
frmMain and frmInput
if the users adds info to frmInput and you want to modify some controll on frmMain ... do like this...

frmMain.txtSomeTextbox.Text = txtPlayerName.text

assuming you have a text box on frmInput called txtPlayerName
and a text box on frmMain called txtSomeTextbox

yes, thank you. But how ddo u show something the user typed in earlier?
Don't do that!
Dear me, go read some info on Vb, if not programming in general. The answer to your question lies in the use of "Variables" to store an array of characters, aka (in VB) "String". Go do some work/thinking and look it up in a book.

Ever heard of variables?
It''s simple, say you had a text box named "Txt1" The user types his name into it. Then he clicks on a button or something and goes to a 2nd form. Then put another text box onto the 2nd form and say this: Txt2.text = Txt1.text. That was easy, wasn''t it?
Sorry, my mistak type this in the 2nd Form: Txt2.text = Form1.Txt.text There we go.

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