Avoid Skinned-Mesh using decal deferred

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1 comment, last by kalle_h 9 years, 8 months ago

Hi all,

using a box and a vertex+pixel shader it's easy to render decal deferred without big cost.

The problem is this method doesn't works on skinned mesh, if a way exist, I don't know it yet.

I would avoid to render on them and the only way I have is to use the stencil buffer to avoid pixel of skinned mesh.

Is it a good way to achieve that ?



Well, the g-buffer is just an contextless representation of your world, therefor you can just use eg the stencil buffer to mask deferred decals.

If you want decals on an animated meshes, you need to apply them in object space during rendering.

You can also skin the decal. Let say you want bullet hole to character. You have located to contact point and bones that affect to this point. Then you just transform decal with these bones using appropriate weights.

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