Distance formula in c++

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9 comments, last by Ravyne 9 years, 7 months ago

Hello all,

I have recently came very very close to making the gameplay style I want but I stumbled into a small problem. I need the distance between two objects counted by the pixel. At first it seemed easy but I soon realized I didn't know what I was doing. Does anyone know how to do the distant formula in c++. I need the distance between two separate objects for my collision detection to work to my liking. The objects are the size of pixels by the way.

I tried using a for loop to figure out the distance but the second object of the 2 moves around and the for loop only activate when the second object triggers it moving away from the first object. If it get closer after activating the for loop the distance will not be checked.

For points A and B, the distance between them is:
C = A-B
sqrt(C dot C)

It's essentially just the Pythagorean theorem.

If you're only comparing distances, then you can leave out the sqrt, keep the distances squared, and only sqrt when you need to. This is because a < b and sqrt(a) < sqrt(b) is always true, for a and b >= 0.

I was ready to include cmath and do some calculation but what I forgot and didn't realized was how simple getting the distance was addition/subtraction. Alright thanks for the refresher this thread is done. You made this a little simplier than the youtube video I watched.

Since C++11:
hypot(B.x-A.x, B.y-A.y)


Nice! I wasn't aware of the std::hypot() function. smile.png

As fastcall22 mentioned, you actually don't need to do a squareroot, unless you actually want the actual distance. If you just want to check if something is within range, then you do:

((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2) < (distance^2)   //  '^2' means to square it.

Basically, the same as Pygorean's theorum, but instead of square-rooting the result, you square the distance, which is faster if you're going to be doing it alot - for example, if you need to test which entities are within range of other entities or within range of the player, but don't need to know the actual distance, only if it is within range or not.

Probably a pre-mature optimization, but if you're going to wrap it in a convenience function, you might as well write both versions.

[rollup=C++ code]

//Returns true if we are within 'distance' of 'other'. This is faster than 'DistanceFrom', because it saves a sqrt().
bool cPoint::WithinDistanceOf(const cPoint &other, int distance) const
	//Pygorean's theorum: A^2 + B^2 = C^2
	int horizontal = (this->x - other.x); //(this->x - other.x) could be negative, but multiplying it by itself will always be positive anyway.
	horizontal *= horizontal;

	int vertical = (this->y - other.y);
	vertical *= vertical;

	//Square the distance.
	distance *= distance;

	//Use the squared distance for comparison, instead of getting the square root.
	return (horizontal + vertical) <= distance;

//Returns the absolute distance between this point and 'other'.
int cPoint::DistanceFrom(const cPoint &other)
	//Pygorean's theorum: A^2 + B^2 = C^2
	int horizontal = (this->x - other.x); //(this->x - other.x) could be negative, but multiplying it by itself will always be positive anyway.
	horizontal *= horizontal;

	int vertical = (this->y - other.y);
	vertical *= vertical;

	return std::sqrt(horizontal + vertical);


Nice to know about hypot() too! I was hoping to find one for 3 dimensions as well (its easy enough to implement oneself, of course), but no dice.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

Note that std::hypot() is not a trivial function since it must deal with a bunch of complications and edge cases that don't usually exist in games. Denormalized numbers are usually an error in game environments, as are INF and NAN situations.

A frustrating thing about several of the standard library algorithms is their general purpose nature. They must handle a bunch of conditions that are rare, unlikely, or probably errors in games.

All the big implementations of std::hypot involve multiple branches with some of them taking rather slow steps to solve the equation.

Really, go look at what they do. As long as your numbers aren't crazy big, aren't crazy small, and are not exceptional with INF or NAN, you can do so much better with just a simple naive version.

Generally you won't need to handle the edge cases and simply need a comparison of 2D (dx*dx+dy*dy) or 3D (dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz), or if you need the actual distance taking sqrt(). Even these plain functions can outperform std::hypot since they don't require the branching, rounding needs, and special error handling.

If performance is a concern or if you are keeping your vector inside one of the extended SIMD registers for a math library, there are several algorithms that can give even better performance on these oft-used functions. No need to reinvent the wheel when there are so many good Euclidean distance functions already out there.

My favorite method for calculating approximate distance:

u32 approx_distance( s32 dx, s32 dy )
   u32 min, max, approx;

   if ( dx < 0 ) dx = -dx;
   if ( dy < 0 ) dy = -dy;

   if ( dx < dy )
      min = dx;
      max = dy;
   } else {
      min = dy;
      max = dx;

   approx = ( max * 1007 ) + ( min * 441 );
   if ( max < ( min << 4 ))
      approx -= ( max * 40 );

   // add 512 for proper rounding
   return (( approx + 512 ) >> 10 );


Its useful for pathfinding and AI.. though it might be weird for collision. I recommend storing everything collide-able inside of an array and iterating through them while checking to see if the edges of the objects over lap with each other via box collision or separating axis theorem.

Box Collision:

bool DoBoxesIntersect(Box a, Box b) {
  return (abs(a.x - b.x) * 2 < (a.width + b.width)) &&
         (abs(a.y - b.y) * 2 < (a.height + b.height));


Separating Axis Theorem:


Somehow I feel the strange urge to actually profile this against a straightforward implementation using a modern compiler on modern hardware, just to see if all this obscure trickery is still worthwhile.


fast diamond 2d distance: dx+dy

fast BBox 2d distance: greater of dx and dy

fast 2d distance comparison: dx*dx+dy*dy (paythag w/o sqrt, as mentioned above).

true 2d distance: sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) (true pythag, as mentioned above).

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"




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