Need help of the FPS weapon rotation

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2 comments, last by Trienco 9 years, 7 months ago
I import an weapon model and set the angle and position like this:

glm::mat4 mModel = glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0),cCamera.vEye);
mModel = glm::rotate(mModel,-cCamera.GetAngleY(),glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
mModel = glm::rotate(mModel,cCamera.GetAngleX(),glm::vec3(1, 0, 0));
mModel = glm::scale(mModel, glm::vec3(10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f));
spMain.SetModelAndNormalMatrix("matrices.modelMatrix", "matrices.normalMatrix", mModel);
and the gun model rotates ugly.
The camera code:

void CFPSCamera::RotateWithMouse()
	RECT rRect; GetWindowRect(appMain.hWnd, &rRect);
	int iCentX = (rRect.left+rRect.right)>>1,
		iCentY = (>>1;

	float deltaX = (float)(iCentX-pCur.x)*fSense;
	float deltaY = (float)(iCentY-pCur.y)*fSense;
	if(deltaX != 0.0f)
		vView -= vEye;
		vView = glm::rotate(vView, deltaX, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
		vView += vEye;
	if(deltaY != 0.0f)
		glm::vec3 vAxis = glm::cross(vView-vEye, vUp);
		vAxis = glm::normalize(vAxis);
		float fAngle = deltaY;
		float fNewAngle = fAngle+GetAngleX();
		if(fNewAngle > -89.80f && fNewAngle < 89.80f)
			vView -= vEye;
			vView = glm::rotate(vView, deltaY, vAxis);
			vView += vEye;
	SetCursorPos(iCentX, iCentY);

void CFPSCamera::Update()

// Get view direction
glm::vec3 vMove = vView-vEye;
vMove = glm::normalize(vMove);
vMove = vMove * glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
vMove *= fSpeed;

glm::vec3 vStrafe = glm::cross(vView-vEye, vUp);
vStrafe = glm::normalize(vStrafe);
vStrafe = vStrafe * glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
vStrafe *= fSpeed;

int iMove = 0;
glm::vec3 vMoveBy;
// Get vector of move
if(Keys::Key(iForw))vMoveBy += vMove*appMain.sof(1.0f);
if(Keys::Key(iBack))vMoveBy -= vMove*appMain.sof(1.0f);
if(Keys::Key(iLeft))vMoveBy -= vStrafe*appMain.sof(1.0f);
if(Keys::Key(iRight))vMoveBy += vStrafe*appMain.sof(1.0f);
vEye += vMoveBy; vView += vMoveBy;

I heard that the weapon should render before any view transformation,and align it to the bottom right corner of the screen?

A model has a position and direction,how to set it properly?

Im new in game programming.Thanks!


No one can help?UP~~~~~~~~~

why not just render it with the rest of the objects in your scene. all you have to do is give it the position of your camera, rotate it so it faces the direction of your camera, and move it slightly forward in that direction and down a little, possibly to the right or left a little too?

why not just render it with the rest of the objects in your scene. all you have to do is give it the position of your camera, rotate it so it faces the direction of your camera, and move it slightly forward in that direction and down a little, possibly to the right or left a little too?

Because it's generally a waste of time, effort, and head-ache to introduce additional complexity to undo something that you simply shouldn't have done in the first place (applying the view transformation when drawing a weapon... or any kind of GUI/HUD).

Nobody will be able to tell you how to set your weapon transformation, because nobody knows how you modeled it. In the best case scenario, you thought ahead when modelling it and it's already pointing the right way with no transformation and just needs to be translated down and sideways (again, nobody will be able to tell you exact numbers of even the axis, because which axis is what is defined purely by how you setup your matrices).

Once you have played around and found a placement that looks good, these values will never change during the game (at least until you decide that it looks incredibly boring to have it completely static).


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