Photoshop Color Dodge & glBlendFunc

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9 comments, last by haegarr 9 years, 7 months ago

Hello everyone!

Is there anyway possible to create photoshop color dodge effect ( target / (1.0 - blend) ) with glBlendFunc & glBlendEquation effect?

Anything near that effect would be great too but also saying that im willing to take any method you offer if the effect will be same.
( no matter how horrible the way is. )

I really need that blending effect.


If you have the extension NV_blend_equation_advanced on your targeted machines, then you have "native" support by using the mode GL_COLOR_DOGE_NV. Otherwise AFAIK the only way to do color dodge is to program it into shader scripts.

For a GLSL shader version try

If you have the extension NV_blend_equation_advanced on your targeted machines, then you have "native" support by using the mode GL_COLOR_DOGE_NV. Otherwise AFAIK the only way to do color dodge is to program it into shader scripts.

Well, i have native support and i don't have it either.


When i run it with nvidia, my opengl versioon is 4.4 else its 4.0
How to make program to automatically pick the best graphic card and run with it?

If you have the extension NV_blend_equation_advanced on your targeted machines, then you have "native" support by using the mode GL_COLOR_DOGE_NV. Otherwise AFAIK the only way to do color dodge is to program it into shader scripts.

Well, i have native support and i don't have it either.

When i run it with nvidia, my opengl versioon is 4.4 else its 4.0
How to make program to automatically pick the best graphic card and run with it?

There is no standard way to do such things.

In your case you can create an optimus profile that lets the drivers know you need the discrete card.

You can also use setoptimusprofile (sop):


Now the question is how do i use this NV_blend_equation_advanced when i don't want to use glew?
( how to get it without glew. )

Now the question is how do i use this NV_blend_equation_advanced when i don't want to use glew?

As with every extension:

0.) Read the extension's specification.

1.) Check whether the extension is available within the running GL context.

-- either the old way by using glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)

-- or the new way by using glGetStringi(...) if supported

2.) Because the extension seems to run without special routines, you probably don't need to resolve symbols against it.

3.) Call the appropriate functions with the appropriate parameters.

There is another source of information that is more understandable what all those new parameters mean. The slides have the one or other error as I've seen, but an understanding of what's going on can be fetched from the slides definitely.

They did all fancy stuff but didn't add divide ... ( don't mind me, im always like that... )
Any ideas about divide effect from photoshop?

As written earlier: The most flexible approach is to write shader scripts that samples two input textures and do the calculations.

Accordingly to this page, the Divide blending mode is a simple as D / S (although I don't know how S==0 should be handled).

If D stands for the pixel what is going to be blended in then how do i get the D?
You can't get the pixel what is going to be behind the object what in rendering...

If it would be that simple, i won't be here to ask those things :/
Really like that divide effect, but i guess i have to let it go...

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