SV_IsFrontFace and geometry created from points.

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7 comments, last by unbird 9 years, 5 months ago

I've been trying to debug an issue where SV_IsFrontFace doesn't seem to be returning anything but "true" for some geometry I create from points. The MSDN points out that SV_IsFrontFace will always return true for points and lines, but I was hoping that wouldn't be true if triangle strips were generated via a geometry shader from those points - currently it seems that no matter what the geometry looks like at the end of the pipeline, if you start out with lines/points then SV_IsFrontFace will return true.

Has anyone else run into this? Or have any suggestions on ways around this problem?


(I hope I'm not too late...)

Peculiar. Nope, can't remember such a behavior. You got an example shader demonstrating the trouble ?

Or is it just that your geo-shader happens to generate front-facing triangles ever (e.g. billboards) ? wink.png

You are never too late, unbird!

Shader code in question. The fin of geometry isn't build as a billboarded quad (as evident by the random rotations being applied).

VSInput DeferredRenderVS(VSInput IN)
   // TODO: Add an early out if our foliage map returns 0.0f.
   VSInput outVS = (VSInput)0;

   outVS.Position = IN.Position;
   outVS.Uv = IN.Uv;

   return outVS;

// Geometry shaders
[maxvertexcount((NumSegs[0] + 1) * 2)] // Num Segements at lowest LOD * Num Of Triangles per segement * Num of Verts per triangle 
void GrassGS(point VSInput input[1], inout TriangleStream<VSOutput> TriStream)
   const uint MaxSegments = NumSegs[0]; // Array of ints, LODs basically. 
   const uint MaxVerts = (MaxSegments + 1) * 2;

   const float3 bladePositionInCellSpace = GetGrassCellOffset(input[0]); // This simply returns the correct height based on the point's position in a heightmap cell.
   const float4 posInObjectSpace = float4(bladePositionInCellSpace, 1.0f);
   const float terrainHeight = bladePositionInCellSpace.y;
   const float3 bladePosInWorldSpace = mul(World, bladePositionInCellSpace).xyz;

   float eyeDist = length(EyePosition.xz - bladePosInWorldSpace.xz) / MaxDistance;
   eyeDist = saturate(eyeDist); // Clamp to 0 - 1

   uint totalSegments = CalculateLOD(eyeDist);
   float scaledGrassHeight = GrassHeight * (1.0f - eyeDist);
   scaledGrassHeight = clamp(scaledGrassHeight, 0.1f, 1.0f);

   float segmentHeightStep = scaledGrassHeight / (float)totalSegments;
   float scaledGrassWidth = lerp(GrassWidth * 2.0f, GrassWidth, (1.0f - eyeDist));
   float grassHalfWidth = scaledGrassWidth * 0.5f;
   float vStep = 1.0f / (float)(totalSegments + 1);

   const uint totalVerts = (totalSegments + 1) * 2;
   VSOutput createdVerts[MaxVerts]; // Two verts per segment

   float2 grassDir = normalize(CalculateGrassDirection(input[0])); // Returns a random 2D rotation vector

   // Give a root position, build up a fin of geometry with a total of X segments (# of segments is based on LOD).
   //                                              |\|
   //                                              |\|
   //                                              |\|
   //  Input ->     .                   Output->   |\|  
   for (uint i = 0; i < totalVerts; i +=2)
      createdVerts[i].Position = posInObjectSpace;
      createdVerts[i].Position.xz -= grassDir * grassHalfWidth;
      createdVerts[i].Position.y = terrainHeight + ((float)i * segmentHeightStep);
      createdVerts[i].Uv = float2(0.0f, 1.0f - ((float)i * vStep));
      createdVerts[i].WorldPositionDepth = float4(mul(World, createdVerts[i].Position).xyz, -mul(WorldView, createdVerts[i].Position).z);
      createdVerts[i].Position = mul(createdVerts[i].Position, WorldViewProjection);

      createdVerts[i + 1].Position = posInObjectSpace;
      createdVerts[i + 1].Position.xz += grassDir * grassHalfWidth;
      createdVerts[i + 1].Position.y = terrainHeight + ((float)i * segmentHeightStep);
      createdVerts[i + 1].Uv = float2(1.0f, 1.0f - ((float)(i + 1) * vStep));
      createdVerts[i + 1].WorldPositionDepth = float4(mul(World, createdVerts[i + 1].Position).xyz, -mul(WorldView, createdVerts[i + 1].Position).z);
      createdVerts[i + 1].Position = mul(createdVerts[i + 1].Position, WorldViewProjection);
   float3 segmentNormals[MaxSegments];
   for (uint j = 0; j < totalSegments; ++j)
      int vIndex0 = j * 2;
      int vIndex1 = (j + 1) * 2;
      int vIndex2 = vIndex1 - 1;
      segmentNormals[j] = CalculateNormal(createdVerts[vIndex0], createdVerts[vIndex1], createdVerts[vIndex2];

   for (uint k = 0; k < totalVerts; ++k)
      // Use the normal of the segment above it.
      //uint normalIndex = clamp(k / 2, 0, totalSegments - 1);
      createdVerts[k].Normal = segmentNormals[0]; // HACK: Just using the normal of the first quad for all segments.


PSDeferredOutput DeferredRenderFP(VSOutput In , bool isFrontFace: SV_IsFrontFace)
   // Flip normal if this is a back face.
   float3 normal = normalize(lerp(-In.Normal, In.Normal, float(isFrontFace)));

   // No gloss or specular.
   float specPower = 0;
   float gloss = 0;

   float4 colour = float4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
   colour.w *= gloss;

   float3 viewSpaceNormal = normalize(mul(float4(, 0), View).xyz);

   PSDeferredOutput Out;

   // Albedo, Emissiveness
   Out.Colour = float4(, 0.0f);
   //, Gloss
   Out.NormalDepth = float4( * 0.5f + 0.5f, colour.w);
   return Out;
Hmmm, should work IMO (assuming CalculateGrassDirection doesn't do anything view dependant).

I flip my normals differently...

      normal = -normal;

...but I tried your version and it doesn't make a difference.

Have you run it through the reference device (to exclude driver issues) ? Also: How did you actually come to the conclusion isFrontFace is always true ? PIX/graphics debugger ?

I've been trying to debug an issue where SV_IsFrontFace doesn't seem to be returning anything but "true" ... any suggestions on ways around this problem?

Can you describe how you came to your conclusion? That is, what are the symptoms for the "problem?" Hopefully something more specific than "doesn't seem.." wink.png

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.

I've been trying to debug an issue where SV_IsFrontFace doesn't seem to be returning anything but "true" ... any suggestions on ways around this problem?

Can you describe how you came to your conclusion? That is, what are the symptoms for the "problem?" Hopefully something more specific than "doesn't seem.." wink.png

Apologies for the non-descript language in the original post. The fins are all lit on one side, but completely black on the other. This is easiest to see when they are randomly rotated as a black fin will occasionally be next to a properly lit fin. I'll try and attach a screenshot later tonight when I can get a few moments at my home PC since I don't have my code sync'd at my current location.


Reference device is a good idea as well, I can try that. I've been using RenderDoc to step through some of the improperly lit fins and it never seemed to flip the normal. The lerp is just me trying to avoid a branch statement in the pixel shader - glad to know it works. I'll try stepping through with the reference device and see what I find.

I'm using a deferred renderer which uses view space normals, but I wouldn't think that would matter as long as the normal is properly flipped before I move the normal into view space.

Sorry, the view space normals eluded me. Could you show the code for CalculateNormal, please. I suspect a problem there. Better yet, show all code for the used functions. By the way: You could check if SV_IsFrontFace is working with something like this:

   float f = (float)isFrontFace;
   Out.Colour = float4(f, 1-f, 0, 0);
Funny you mention the branch. I took a look at the generated assembly for both variants. Not every if provokes one, in this case it translates to a movc (conditional move). You can usually force such a non-branch with [flatten].

Edit: Looking more closely at your code I'm concerned about one thing. You're not using consistent transformations: You use both mul(matrix, vector) and mul(vector, matrix). This is not a problem per se, HLSL allows both. It's just confusing when to use a transpose on the app side for the cbuffer matrices (or when to tag them with row_major/column_major in HLSL). Keep it consistent, best throughout all your shaders.

Edit: Looking more closely at your code I'm concerned about one thing. You're not using consistent transformations: You use both mul(matrix, vector) and mul(vector, matrix). This is not a problem per se, HLSL allows both. It's just confusing when to use a transpose on the app side for the cbuffer matrices (or when to tag them with row_major/column_major in HLSL). Keep it consistent, best throughout all your shaders.

Yea, I've been trying to be stricter about using mul(matrix, vector). I agree jumping between them is bad form. I should point out I haven't done any clean up in this code so I'm sure some things are a bit rough.

Here's the image showing the behavior in question:


You can see there are some very dark fins parallel to lit ones. I agree this is most likely a normal problem, I've attached all the shader code below, but the normal calculation is pretty simple (unless I have my vert indices wrong...). I'd love a simple way to draw normals but since this geometry is created in the shader - I haven't thought of a great way to do that yet.


// Un-tweakables
float4x4 World					: World;
float4x4 WorldView				: WorldView;
float4x4 WorldViewProjection	: WorldViewProjection;
float Time						: Time;

// Textures
Texture2D<float4> HeightmapTexture;
Texture2D<float4> FoliageMapTexture;
Texture2D<float4> DiffuseMapTexture;
Texture2D<float4> NormalMapTexture;
Texture2D<float4> NoiseTexture;

float MaxHeight;
uint HeightmapTextureWidth;
uint HeightmapTextureHeight;
float HeightmapVertexStride;
float4x4 TerrainWorldMatrix;
float GrassHeight;
float GrassWidth;

// Static Values
static const float  MaxDistance = 512.0f;
static const uint   TotalLODSelections = 10;
static const uint   LODSelection[TotalLODSelections] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 }; // probably should replace this with some inverse log N value.
static const uint   TotalLODs = 4;
static const int    NumSegs[TotalLODs] = { 5, 3, 2, 1 };

// Structures
struct VSInput
	float3 Position		: POSITION;
	float4 Uv : TEXCOORD0;

struct VSOutput
	float4 Position			  : SV_POSITION;
	float2 Uv				  : TEXCOORD0;
	float4 WorldPositionDepth : TEXCOORD1;
	float3 Normal  : TEXCOORD2;

sampler LinearClampSampler
	Filter = Min_Mag_Mip_Linear;
	AddressU = Clamp;
	AddressV = Clamp;

sampler LinearWrapSampler
	Filter = Min_Mag_Mip_Linear;
	AddressU = Wrap;
	AddressV = Wrap;

sampler PointClampSampler
	Filter = Min_Mag_Mip_Point;
	AddressU = Clamp;
	AddressV = Clamp;

// Helper Methods
float GetHeightmapValue(float2 uv)
	float4 rawValue = HeightmapTexture.SampleLevel(PointClampSampler, uv, 0);
	return rawValue.r * MaxHeight;

float3 CalculateNormal(float3 v0, float3 v1, float3 v2)
	float3 edgeOne = normalize(v1 - v0);
	float3 edgeTwo = normalize(v2 - v0);
	return cross(edgeOne, edgeTwo);

float4 GetCornerHeights(float2 uv)
	float texelWidth = 1.0f / (float)(HeightmapTextureWidth + 1);
	float texelHeight = 1.0f / (float)(HeightmapTextureHeight + 1);

	float2 topRight = uv + float2(texelWidth, 0.0f);
	float2 bottomLeft = uv + float2(0.0f, texelHeight);
	float2 bottomRight = uv + float2(texelWidth, texelHeight);

	float x = GetHeightmapValue(uv);
	float y = GetHeightmapValue(topRight);
	float z = GetHeightmapValue(bottomLeft);
	float w = GetHeightmapValue(bottomRight); 
	float4 returnValue = float4(x,y,z,w);
	return returnValue;

float3 GetGrassCellOffset(VSInput input)
	float4 cornerHeights = GetCornerHeights(input.Uv.xy);

       // Bilinear interpolation between heightmap cells.
	float yPos = lerp(lerp(cornerHeights.x, cornerHeights.y, input.Uv.z),
					  lerp(cornerHeights.z, cornerHeights.w, input.Uv.z), input.Uv.w);

	float3 returnPos =;
	returnPos.y = yPos;

	return returnPos;

uint CalculateLOD(float3 distanceToCamera)
	uint LODIndex = (uint)floor(distanceToCamera * 10.0f);
	LODIndex = clamp(LODIndex, 0, TotalLODSelections - 1);
	uint totalSegments = NumSegs[LODSelection[LODIndex]];
	return totalSegments;

float2 CalculateGrassDirection(VSInput IN)
	// Random seed is stored in the Y Component.
	float rotRadians = IN.Position.y;
	float2 buildDirection = { 1.0f, 0.0f };
	float cosV = cos(rotRadians);
	float sinV = sin(rotRadians);
	float2x2 rotMatrix = { cosV, -sinV,
						   sinV, cosV };
	buildDirection = mul(rotMatrix, buildDirection);
	return buildDirection;

VSInput DeferredRenderVS(VSInput IN)
	// TODO: Add an early out if our foliage map returns 0.0f.
	VSInput outVS = (VSInput)0;

	outVS.Position = IN.Position;
	outVS.Uv = IN.Uv;

	return outVS;

[maxvertexcount((NumSegs[0] + 1) * 2)] // Num Segements at lowest LOD * Num Of Triangles per segement * Num of Verts per triangle 
void GrassGS(point VSInput input[1], inout TriangleStream<VSOutput> TriStream)
	const uint MaxSegments = NumSegs[0];
	const uint MaxVerts = (MaxSegments + 1) * 2;

	float2 grassDir = normalize(CalculateGrassDirection(input[0]));

	const float3 bladePositionInCellSpace = GetGrassCellOffset(input[0]);
	const float4 posInObjectSpace = float4(bladePositionInCellSpace, 1.0f);
	const float terrainHeight = bladePositionInCellSpace.y;
	const float3 bladePosInWorldSpace = mul(World, bladePositionInCellSpace).xyz;

	float eyeDist = length(EyePosition.xz - bladePosInWorldSpace.xz) / MaxDistance;
	eyeDist = saturate(eyeDist); // Clamp to 0 - 1

	uint totalSegments = CalculateLOD(eyeDist);
	float scaledGrassHeight = GrassHeight * (1.0f - eyeDist);
	scaledGrassHeight = clamp(scaledGrassHeight, 0.1f, 1.0f);

	float segmentHeightStep = scaledGrassHeight / (float)totalSegments;
	float scaledGrassWidth = lerp(GrassWidth * 2.0f, GrassWidth, (1.0f - eyeDist));
	float grassHalfWidth = scaledGrassWidth * 0.5f;
	float vStep = 1.0f / (float)(totalSegments + 1);

	const uint totalVerts = (totalSegments + 1) * 2;
	VSOutput createdVerts[MaxVerts]; // Two verts per segment

	for (uint i = 0; i < totalVerts; i +=2)
		createdVerts[i].Position = posInObjectSpace;
		createdVerts[i].Position.xz -= grassDir * grassHalfWidth;
		createdVerts[i].Position.y = terrainHeight + ((float)i * segmentHeightStep);
		createdVerts[i].Uv = float2(0.0f, 1.0f - ((float)i * vStep));
		createdVerts[i].WorldPositionDepth = float4(mul(World, createdVerts[i].Position).xyz, -mul(WorldView, createdVerts[i].Position).z);
		createdVerts[i].Position = mul(WorldViewProjection, createdVerts[i].Position);

		createdVerts[i + 1].Position = posInObjectSpace;
		createdVerts[i + 1].Position.xz += grassDir * grassHalfWidth;
		createdVerts[i + 1].Position.y = terrainHeight + ((float)i * segmentHeightStep);
		createdVerts[i + 1].Uv = float2(1.0f, 1.0f - ((float)(i + 1) * vStep));
		createdVerts[i + 1].WorldPositionDepth = float4(mul(World, createdVerts[i + 1].Position).xyz, -mul(WorldView, createdVerts[i + 1].Position).z);
		createdVerts[i + 1].Position = mul(WorldViewProjection, createdVerts[i + 1].Position);
	float3 segmentNormals[MaxSegments];
	for (uint j = 0; j < totalSegments; ++j)
		int vIndex0 = j * 2;
		int vIndex1 = (j + 1) * 2;
		int vIndex2 = vIndex1 - 1;
		segmentNormals[j] = CalculateNormal(createdVerts[vIndex0], createdVerts[vIndex1], createdVerts[vIndex2];

	for (uint k = 0; k < totalVerts; ++k)
		// Use the normal of the segment above it.
		//uint normalIndex = clamp(k / 2, 0, totalSegments - 1);
		createdVerts[k].Normal = segmentNormals[0]; // HACK HACK HACK HACK


PSDeferredOutput DeferredRenderFP(VSOutput In , bool isFrontFace: SV_IsFrontFace)
         // Flip normals on backfaces.
	float3 normal = normalize(lerp(-In.Normal, In.Normal, float(isFrontFace)));

	// No gloss or specular.
	float specPower = 0;
	float gloss = 0;

	float4 colour = float4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Remove - this is just for debugging.
	//float4 colour = DiffuseMapTexture.SampleLevel(LinearClampSampler, In.Uv, 0);
	colour.w *= gloss;

	float3 viewSpaceNormal = normalize(mul(WorldView, float4(, 0)).xyz);

	PSDeferredOutput Out;

	// Albedo, Emissiveness
	Out.Colour = float4(, 0.0f);
	//, Gloss
	Out.NormalDepth = float4( * 0.5f + 0.5f, colour.w);
	return Out;

Thanks. Haven't got much time today, so here only some general hints.

- Do that debug view I suggested: You should get red and green blades. This should show if isFrontFace is working.

- Have a look at the normal buffer. IIRC view space normals should be visualized mostly yellowish (since view space normal z is negative -> less blue).

- Your lighting could also be incorrect, hence the inspection of the normal buffer above.


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