C++ allegro screen scrolling issue

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2 comments, last by aurtrina 9 years, 5 months ago

Hi. I'm having a slight issue with the screen scrolling when my sprite is moving off the screen . . . the screen scrolls, but once it reaches the edge of the screen that was originally loaded (first half of map), it just repeats the last few pixels instead of continuing to load the map, and the sprite animation just overlaps itself. I extended the screen size to make sure the map itself loaded properly and it did, so I'm not sure if I'm missing a clear bitmap somewhere or what. When the sprite goes back, once it reaches the original screen again, animation works again.

I'm also having trouble figuring out why I can't have the var switchframe greater than one for the sprite animation . . . I'm guessing it has something to do with something not looping enough times, because if I add 2 to the framecounter instead of 1, it allows me to put switchframe up to 2, but I'm more interested in getting the screen scrolling issue figured out.

Sorry if the code's little unorganized at this point . . . I've been focusing on the code itself, not keeping it super neat right now

#define distance1 makecol(170, 200, 55)
#define distance2 makecol(137, 160, 44)
#define sky makecol(85, 153, 255)
#define street makecol(204, 204, 204)

#define screenWidth 672
#define screenHeight 448
#define blockSize 32

volatile long timer = 0;
void Increment(){timer++;}

// Sets up map
int mapSizeX = 0, mapSizeY = 0;

void Camera(int *camera, int *player)
    camera[0] = -(screenWidth / 2) + player[0];
    // camera[1] = -(screenHeight / 2) + player[1];

    if(camera[0] < 0)
        camera[0] = 0;
    // if(camera[1] < 0)
    //     camera[1] = 0;


void LoadMap (const char* filename, vector <vector <int> > &basemap, bool &done)
    ifstream openfile(filename);
    string tempLine; // stores contents of file
    vector<int> tempVector; // create the vector
    if(openfile.is_open()) //check if file is open
            tempVector.clear(); // want to make sure vector is clear
            getline(openfile, tempLine); //gets line from file into tempLine
            stringstream str (tempLine);

                    string s;
                    getline(str, s, ' ');

        allegro_message("We cannot locate the filename %s", filename);
        done = true;

// Draws Map
void DrawMap(BITMAP *Buffer, vector <vector <int> > &basemap)
    BITMAP *tileSheetMain = load_bitmap("tilesheetmain.bmp", NULL);
    vector <int> TilePositionsX;
    vector <int> TilePositionsY;
    int pixels = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // Loading X coordinates for drawing maptiles from tilesheet
        pixels = 0;
        for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
            pixels = pixels + 32;

    pixels = -32;
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)  //loading y coordiates for drawing maptiles from tilesheet. Need to combine x and y into multidimension vector
        pixels = pixels + 32;
        for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++)

    // Draw Map 
    for(int i = 0; i < basemap.size(); i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < basemap[i].size(); j++)
            //if(basemap[i][j] > -1)
                masked_blit(tileSheetMain, Buffer, TilePositionsX[basemap[i][j]], TilePositionsY[basemap[i][j]], j* blockSize, i * blockSize, 32, 32);


int main()
    // Allegro Initialize Functions
    install_timer(); //install timer for backwards compatibility
    set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, screenWidth, screenHeight, 0, 0);
    set_window_title("This is a TEST");

    install_int_ex(Increment, BPS_TO_TIMER(60));

    BITMAP *Buffer = create_bitmap(672, 448);
    bool done = false;

    vector < vector <int> > BaseMap;
    vector <int> TilePositionsX;
    vector <int> TilePositionsY;

    // Animation Walking
    enum Source {Right, Left};

    BITMAP *PigImageWalking = load_bitmap("pigwalking.bmp", NULL);

    //Set Variables
    int playerPosition[2] = {300, 300};
    int currentFrame[2] = {0, Right};
    int Frames[2] = {8, 2};
    int Dimensions[2] = {PigImageWalking->w / Frames[0], PigImageWalking->h / Frames[1]};
    int moveSpeed = 5;
    int switchFrame = 1;
    int frameCounter = 0;
    int cameraPosition[2] = {0,0};
    bool isActive;

    // Game Loop
        // Update Loop
        while(timer > 0)
                done = true;

            isActive = true;

                playerPosition[0] += moveSpeed;
                currentFrame[1] = Right;
            else if(key[KEY_LEFT])
                playerPosition[0] -= moveSpeed;
                currentFrame[1] = Left;
                isActive = false;

                if(frameCounter >= switchFrame)
                    currentFrame[0] += Dimensions[0];
                    frameCounter = 0;
                if(currentFrame[0] >= PigImageWalking->w)
                    currentFrame[0] = 0;
                currentFrame[0] = 0;
                frameCounter = 0;


        LoadMap("testmap.txt", BaseMap, done);
        DrawMap(Buffer, BaseMap);
        Camera(cameraPosition, playerPosition);

        masked_blit(PigImageWalking, Buffer, currentFrame[0], currentFrame[1] * Dimensions[1], playerPosition[0], playerPosition[1], Dimensions[0], Dimensions[1]);

        blit(Buffer, screen, cameraPosition[0], 0, 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);

    //Destroys bitmaps, pointers etc

    return 0;

The vertical camera is commented off because I'm only scrolling left to right at this point . . . vertical scrolling isn't necessary

I don't know if this is related to your problem, but sure you will not want to load the map from disk at every frame (pushing back tiles in the BaseMap, which is declared out of the loop... this will increase in size at every loop I guess giving you an unwanted behavior).

You will not want to load from disk the tilesheet also (DrawMap function): loads the thing one time before starting loop and pass the reference to the DrawMap.

Thanks . . . I figured out the scrolling issue. I forgot to change the buffer to the right length . . . arg *sheepish smile*

I got what you're saying about the loading from disk each time now . . .

And you're saying its better to load the tilemap in the DrawMap function and destroy it there instead of passing it to the function that needs it?

Thanks for your help. I've been learning on my own and trying to read up on how everyone organizes their programs. Helps a lot.

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