Skybox rendering

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3 comments, last by Winter 22 years, 5 months ago
Could anybody please tell me, why skybox rendering slows things down so much? It eats out approximately 15 fps while there are only 6 additional quads to render!!!
Well, the texture is being rendered across the whole of the screen.

Try reducing the color bit count or even try a compressed texture (if your card supports it).

D.V.Carpe Diem
Great thanks, DeltaVee. Fps are still > 50 even with the skybox rendering, so it was only the problem of understanding whether I''m doing something wrong
skyboxes use a lot of filrate either
A/ at the start of the frame dont clear screen + draw skybox (also applicable with depth)
B/ at the end of the frame, enable depth testing, draw the skybox

A is usaully faster on older cards, B is faster on newer.
of course it also depends on how much sky is showing in the final picture
Great thanks, zedzeek, FPS are almost equal in both cases but the second way seems to work a little bit faster.

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