How would I change this to scroll 1 pixel rather than 32..

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4 comments, last by drarem 22 years, 5 months ago
here is my mess of code to scroll my tilemap (32x32) @ 26x18 screen.. it scrolls it 32 pixels at a time and goes way too fast when using the flip() method (which I still don''t understand.. it scrolls smoothly although I can use a different scroll method to make it scroll chunky via dd->WaitForVerticalBlank(DDWAITVB_BLOCKBEGIN, 0); ) If it scrolls smoothly at 32 pixels.. could it be changed easily to scroll smoothly at 1 pixel? I tried using floats to vary the tx and ty by .5 increments so it is a little slower, but the time lag caused it to scroll chunky. Thanx in advance for any help ~ int ScrollMapV2(int *vMap, IMPA dMap, IDirectDrawSurface7* back, IDirectDrawSurface7* backgrnd, IDirectDrawSurface7* lpA, IDirectDrawSurface7* bgScrollStrip, int direction, int step, RECT lpB, int tx, int ty) { int curx=0; int cury=0; int x=0; int y=0; int frame=0; IMPA tMap; RECT lpR; InitRect(&lpR, 0, 0, dMap.xrez, dMap.yrez); tMap.xrez=32; tMap.yrez=32; for (x=tx; x <= tx+dMap.mxrez; x++) { for (y=ty; y <= ty+dMap.myrez; y++) { frame = vMap[(y*dMap.mxrez) + (x)]; curx=(x*32)-tx; cury=(y*32)-ty; Frame2XY(frame, &tMap); InitRect(&lpR, tMap.e, tMap.f, tMap.erez, tMap.frez ); backgrnd->BltFast(curx,cury,lpA,&lpR,DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY | DDBLTFAST_WAIT); } } return 0; } I fseek, therefore I fam.
I'll give you a beating like Rodney King who deserved it!=====================================Any and all ideas, theories, and text c2004,c2009 BrainDead Software. All Rights Reserved.
grrrr wrong code.. here it is.. unless you have something for the other one lol

int DrawMapV2(int *vMap, IMPA dMap, IDirectDrawSurface7* back, IDirectDrawSurface7* lpA, float x, float y) {
int e=0;
int f=0;
int px=0;
int py=0;
int frame=0;
IMPA tMap;
InitRect(&lpR, 0, 0, dMap.xrez, dMap.yrez);
while (e <= dMap.mxrez) {
while (f <= dMap.myrez) {
frame = vMap[((f+(int)y)*100) + (e+(int)x)];
if (frame) {
px = (int)x % 32;
py = (int)y % 32;
Frame2XY(frame, &tMap);
InitRect(&lpR, tMap.e, tMap.f, tMap.erez, tMap.frez );
back->BltFast(e*32, f*32, lpA, &lpR, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY | DDBLTFAST_WAIT);
if (e < dMap.mxrez) f=0;
return 0;
I'll give you a beating like Rodney King who deserved it!=====================================Any and all ideas, theories, and text c2004,c2009 BrainDead Software. All Rights Reserved.
..... scroll chunky.... heh..

;another space monkey;
-eldee;another space monkey;[ Forced Evolution Studios ]
oops didn''t mean to blow chunks..

really tho, do I need to restructure this function or just add something to it? I know it has to do with offsets, and I have tried them but am not having any success...

my head is swimming from all the concepts I am learning, math burnout, and I am in deep confuscious and am in need of help. mentally preferrably.


I fseek, therefore I fam.
I'll give you a beating like Rodney King who deserved it!=====================================Any and all ideas, theories, and text c2004,c2009 BrainDead Software. All Rights Reserved.
You need to offset the tiles left and up based on the remainder after dividing the map coordinates by the size of the tiles.

Jim Adams
I've heard people ask this before, and it blows my mind why anyone in the world would have this problem. I mean, I made a tile engine that scrolls pixel by pixel with no problem. All you have to do is this:

Set up a 2D array of .. .well, they could be a class, like a tile class, which would have information about the tile, like a pointer to the surface to put down and other stuff like that. Well, basicly, you want to do something like this.

int tileWidth; // you'd have to fill this
int tileHeight;

for(int i; i < howManyHigh; i++)
for(int h; h < howManyWide; h++)
{int tileYPosition = i*tileHeight - scrollY;
int tileXPosition = h*tileWidth - scrollX;
tile[h].draw(tileXPosition, tileYPosition);<br> }<br><br>Basically what this does is you get the width and height of the tile. Then you set a loop to go through the 2D array. You get the Y position by multiplying what row you're on by the height of a tile, then you add the scrollY. When you increase the scrollY, it gives the effect of scrolling down, or moving the tiles up. If you need more help, I can clarify on Instant Messenger (ImmigrantMarbles). I hope this helps. I really didn't look at your code so I don't know if this is a solution or not.<br><br>–Vic– <br><br>Edited by - Roof Top Pew Wee on November 9, 2001 4:57:50 PM

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