Having two arrays in the scene ?

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4 comments, last by CC Ricers 9 years, 5 months ago


I have a flat array for my scene which is not ordered parent-child so a parent can be after a child.

For the rendering never problem this array is used to render each component needed.

For the update if you update recursively you can have child updated twice if a parent is after a child.

The solution of this problem I found is to have one flat array not ordered and one array with all root.

One problem of this is if you have only root item in the array without children, you have 2 same array.

The render scene code uses the flat array and the update and save of the scene use the root array.

Is it a good solution or a better one exists and needs to be used ?

Thanks for the help


Your post isn't very clear.

You have arrays of what? You have trees of what?

Modern systems transfer all the data like textures and vertex arrays and shaders over to the video card, then set a small number of parameters and instruct it to run a list of commands. Then there is a single small transfer across the bus, and the card does all the work. They also use the fact that certain operations on the card take more time and try to cluster them together. For example, changing textures and changing shaders takes time so they'll often batch up all the instances of an object and draw all of them so they only pay the cost once. Vertex arrays and textures will also be transferred once and then referred to by id forever after.

The kind of lists and arrays you mention doesn't really sound like that. They sound more like you are transferring the vertex arrays every frame. That is a burden on the bus and on memory, and should be avoided.

Interesting what you said, but I spoke only of a basic scene with array of actor, my data are in component like all modern design but I don't do threading system actually.

I though the problem was clear, that's only question of the parent-child update and saving, since I use an array of actor not ordered, the rendering has 0 problem but update and save give problems.

The solution for the save load I found is to store an hierarchy based on index of the array to then on the load AddChild but using the array of root actor that can be avoided to store all root+children recursively, for the update of the scene update root+children recursively too.

The question is : Is it the good way to remove the problem ?

Sort your arrays so parents always precede children.

The cost of the sort is cheap, especially as they're just indices. Various approaches can ensure that the sort is implicit without actually performing a sort operation, e.g. by swapping the parent and child entry in the array when the relationship is formed if the parent is after the child. You really want to keep the array to be sorted parent-to-child with as small a distance as possible between parent and child; this means your update loop just iterates (not recurses) over the data once with children back-referencing parents' indices and the parents data is highly likely to still be in cache.

You can at the very least ensure parents come before children by swapping the parent and child data when the relationship is formed if the parent comes after the child (or just initially placing data in the proper order if you know the relationships ahead of time). An indirection table can allow your game objects to use stable ids/handles into this scene node system while allowing the scene node arrays to be reordered as needed.

Sean Middleditch – Game Systems Engineer – Join my team!

#1: Multiple representations of a scene within a scene manager are completely normal. You will have a linear array of objects, and then perhaps a quadtree/octree of objects, and perhaps a list of static vs. animated objects, and perhaps a list of player-controlled characters, etc. Each serves its own purpose—the linear array is the master list of objects when you simply want to find one based on a property, while spatial partitions may (or may not) improve performance when searching for objects to draw.
Each object exists only once; you are just duplicating the pointers to them.

#2: But your case is not a case where multiple lists of objects is necessary. Nor does it matter that children can come before their parents. You are making a false problem where none really exists.

#3: The hierarchy of objects (the “scene graph”) exists as part of the actor objects themselves. There’s no second array for this. Actors themselves manage the scene graph, and it doesn’t make sense for any other objects (including the scene manager) to have knowledge of this hierarchy.

I have already covered this in detail: Scene Graphs
See “How is a Scene Graph NOT Used?”, point #4: “Scene graphs do not act as the primary representation of your scene. A scene graph can optionally be used to provide a spatial representation of the scene, but when the scene manager wants to iterate over all objects it does not do so by traversing the scene graph. The scene manager should have a simple linear array of all the objects in the scene. The scene graph itself is implemented within those objects by themselves, separately from the scene manager.

Every actor has a list of children and a single pointer to a parent.
This hierarchy is part of the actors themselves, so it exists within a scene no matter how the scene manager stores the objects. A single linear array of all of the objects in the scene must by definition also contain the object hierarchy within it, and no other arrays etc. are necessary. Additionally, there is no purpose in ensuring parents “come before” children.

#1: Actors have pointers directly to their parents and their children, and it doesn’t matter where they exist in the linear array—you traverse them using the pointers inside the actors themselves, leaving linear arrays completely out of the picture.
#2: Actors aren’t even stored in a linear array in the first place. Pointers to actors are stored in a linear array. The actors themselves are each allocated separately, so you aren’t gaining any cache performance etc. by ensuring they come in any specific order within the linear array of pointers to actors.

#3: They don’t have to be in any specific order for saving either. Just save them all linearly and include the parent ID of each actor. Then make a pass to connect parents and children based on ID’s.

If you want to hold a second array of pointers to top-level (NULL-parent) actors then that is your choice, just as some people choose to keep a secondary array of pointers to playable characters. It is not necessary, and you will have to be careful to keep it updated as objects gain and lose parents, etc.

L. Spiro

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I would greatly take Sean's recommendation of listing parents before their children in cases when nodes needs to be organized in N-trees. The number of nodes is fixed per level, and finding and updating nodes is quick and trivial with bitwise functions.

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