Checking the equality of objects in C#

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2 comments, last by Enerjak 9 years, 3 months ago

I don't think the title explains my problem quite well, but.... What I'm having problems with is this:

I have a class named Person.cs:

class Person : Object
        protected Name m_personName;
        protected string m_state;
        protected string m_zipCode;
        protected string m_PhoneNumber;
        protected string m_address;
        protected string m_age;
        public Person()
            m_personName = new Name();
            m_state = "New Jersey";
            m_zipCode = "08731";
            m_PhoneNumber = "(609)-255-1122";
            m_address = "316 Bridge Drive";
            m_age = "30";

        public Person(string firstName,
            string lastName,
            string state,
            string zipCode,
            string phoneNumber,
            string address,
            string age)
            m_personName = new Name(firstName, lastName);
            m_state = state;
            m_zipCode = zipCode;
            m_PhoneNumber = phoneNumber;
            m_address = address;
            m_age = age;

        public void setName(string firstName, string lastName)

        public void setName(Name name)
            m_personName = name;

        public Name getName()
            return m_personName;

        public void setAddress(string address)
            m_address = address;

        public string getAddress()
            return m_address;

        public void setPhoneNumber(string phoneNumber)
            m_PhoneNumber = phoneNumber;

        public string getPhoneNumber()
            return m_PhoneNumber;

        public void setState(string state)
            m_state = state;

        public string getState()
            return m_state;

        public void setZipCode(string ZipCode)
            m_zipCode = ZipCode;

        public string getZipCode()
            return m_zipCode;

        public void setAge(string age)
            m_age = age;

        public string getAge()
            return m_age;
        public bool CompareTo(Person p)
            if(this.getName() == p.getName() &&
               this.getAddress() == p.getAddress() &&
               this.getAge() == p.getAge() &&
                this.getState() == p.getState() &&
                this.getPhoneNumber() == p.getPhoneNumber() &&
                this.getZipCode() == p.getZipCode())
                return true;
                return false;

I also have a class named - fittingly - Name.cs

 class Name
        protected string FirstName;
        protected string LastName;

        public Name()
            FirstName = "";
            LastName = "";

        public Name(string firstName, string lastName)
            FirstName = firstName;
            LastName = lastName;
        public void setFirstName(string fName)
            FirstName = fName;

        public String getFirstName()
            return FirstName;

        public void setLastName(string lName)
            LastName = lName;

        public string getLastName()
            return LastName;


Now I have a List<Person> variable used to add a new person to the array that is List<Person>, the entry is added to the array, that's not the problem, the problem is searching the array for a specific value:

     String firstName = TBFirstNameSearch.Text;
            String lastName = TBLastNameSearch.Text;
            String Age = TBAgeSearch.Text;
            String Address = TBAddressSearch.Text;
            String State = TBStateSearch.Text;
            String PhoneNumber = TBPhoneNumberSearch.Text;
            String ZipCode = TBZipCodeSearch.Text;
            Person pSearch = new Person(firstName, lastName, State, ZipCode, PhoneNumber, Address, Age);

            if (m_people.Count > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("people count: " + m_people.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < m_people.Count; i++)
                   if(pSearch.getName().getFirstName() == m_people[i].getName().getFirstName() &&
                       pSearch.getName().getLastName() == m_people[i].getName().getLastName() &&
                       pSearch.getAge() == m_people[i].getAge() &&
                       pSearch.getAddress() == m_people[i].getAddress() &&
                       pSearch.getState() == m_people[i].getState() &&
                       pSearch.getZipCode() == m_people[i].getZipCode() &&
                       pSearch.getPhoneNumber() == m_people[i].getPhoneNumber())
                       Person p = m_people[i];
                       String person = "";
                       person += "First Name: " + p.getName().getFirstName() + "\n"
                                + "Last Name: " + p.getName().getLastName() + "\n"
                                + "Age: " + p.getAge() + "\n"
                                + "Address: " + p.getAddress() + "\n"
                                + "State: " + p.getState() + "\n"
                                + "Phone Number: " + p.getPhoneNumber() + "\n"
                                + "Zip Code: " + p.getZipCode() + "\n";
                       MessageBox.Show(person, "Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                       MessageBox.Show("Could not find entry");
                TBFirstNameSearch.Text = "";
                TBLastNameSearch.Text = "";
                TBAgeSearch.Text = "";
                TBZipCodeSearch.Text = "";
                TBAddressSearch.Text = "";
                TBStateSearch.Text = "";
                TBPhoneNumberSearch.Text = "";
                MessageBox.Show("There's nothing in the list. Size: " + m_people.Count);

This is inside of button click event. Basically, after I add a new entry to the array, I search the list for that same item but it isn't found. The item is added, as I said. One quick print of the list/array. Getting the count of the list/array shows a number of 1 meaning the entry has been added. If you do a for-loop of the list / array, it'll print all entries. Searching is......not working. Please let me know how to fix this. This is from a simple address book GUI I decided to make since it's never a bad thing to know more than one language.

EDIT: Sorry, went on a rant there....


Your code is very verbose.

Any reason why you are not using properties?

You can also override Equals() or the == operator to make testing for equality much simpler

As for your problem: Are you sure the order of the arguments on this line is correct?

Person pSearch = new Person(firstName, lastName, State, ZipCode, PhoneNumber, Address, Age);


more stuff to read:

Also remember to override GetHashCode if you override Equals!

Well, after some trial and error and taking the advice of Madhed into consideration, I've managed to fix it. turns out? I forget to set a value in the "addToList" method of the main form. Yup, it's always the simplest stuff that gets ya.

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