SDL simple jump?

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4 comments, last by LAURENT* 9 years, 3 months ago

Hi, I'm following this sdl tutorial by lazyfoo and i want to add a simple jump, like jumping 160px. Here the code for movement;

void Player::handleEvent(SDL_Event& e)
	if (e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN && e.key.repeat == 0)
		switch (e.key.keysym.sym)
		case SDLK_UP: _velY -= _playerVel;	break;
		case SDLK_DOWN:	_velY += _playerVel; break;
		case SDLK_LEFT:	_velX -= _playerVel; break;
		case SDLK_RIGHT: _velX += _playerVel; break;

	else if (e.type == SDL_KEYUP && e.key.repeat == 0)
		switch (e.key.keysym.sym)
		case SDLK_UP: _velY += _playerVel; break;
		case SDLK_DOWN:	_velY -= _playerVel; break;
		case SDLK_LEFT: _velX += _playerVel; break;
		case SDLK_RIGHT: _velX -= _playerVel; break;

void Player::move(std::vector<vec3Struct>& _levelInfo)
	_posX += _velX;
	if( ( _posX < 0 ) || ( _posX + _playerBox > 1000 /*levelWidth*/ ) || touchesWall(_levelInfo))
		_posX -= _velX;

	_posY += _velY;
	if( touchesWall(_levelInfo))
		_posY -= _velY;

bool Player::checkCollision( SDL_Rect a, SDL_Rect b )
	//The sides of the rectangles
	int leftA, leftB;
	int rightA, rightB;
	int topA, topB;
	int bottomA, bottomB;

	//Calculate the sides of rect A
	leftA = a.x;
	rightA = a.x + a.w;
	topA = a.y;
	bottomA = a.y + a.h;

	//Calculate the sides of rect B
	leftB = b.x;
	rightB = b.x + b.w;
	topB = b.y;
	bottomB = b.y + b.h;

	//If any of the sides from A are outside of B
	if( bottomA <= topB ) {	return false; }
	if( topA >= bottomB ) {	return false; }
	if( rightA <= leftB ) {	return false; }
	if( leftA >= rightB ) {	return false; }
	//If none of the sides from A are outside B
	return true;

bool Player::touchesWall(std::vector<vec3Struct>& _levelInfo)
	//Go through the tiles
	for( int i = 0; i < _levelInfo.size(); ++i )
		SDL_Rect tmp;
		tmp.x = _levelInfo[i].x;
		tmp.y = _levelInfo[i].y;
		tmp.w = 80;
		tmp.h = 80;

		SDL_Rect _playerRec;
		_playerRec.x = _posX;
		_playerRec.y = _posY;
		_playerRec.w = _playerBox;
		_playerRec.h = _playerBox;

		//If the collision box touches the wall tile
		if( checkCollision( _playerRec, tmp) )
			return true;
	//If no wall tiles were touched
	return false;

but everytime a try too add gravity to game, like if player is not toches wall, it y axis will decrease, but i always failed :(


When you say that your attempts to add gravity always fail, in what sense is it failing and how are you adding gravity?

When you say that your attempts to add gravity always fail, in what sense is it failing and how are you adding gravity?

as i said above, if player is not toches wall, it y axis will increases, i add this to the move function

if( !touchesWall(_levelInfo))
		_posY ++;

but, after this, i can no longer move. this fall slowly till it hit the level.

I would recomment you to read a platformer guide - here are some good ones:

In your case, i would focus on using a tile-based approach, simple to implement and works for most cases.

Also you can use an existing physics engine to make a platformer as well - for example box2d which exists for nearly every platform.

Tile-based collision makes a lot of things easier. But you don't seem to be taking advantage of all these conveniences.

It is not necessary to brute-force check all the tiles of the level. You need to take the X and Y extents of the character's bounding box, reduce the position down to the tile coordinates, and check the tiles within that range.

You can keep applying gravity on each frame, but reset downward velocity to 0 whenever the character is touching ground. That prevents it from getting stuck in the ground.

New game in progress: Project SeedWorld

My development blog: Electronic Meteor

Add gravity by making the character move by applying force, not by changing the coordinates directly.

Edit: I think I got something just for you. Quick and to the point.

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