Directional light on bad/junk-mesh? (DirectX/HLSL)

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4 comments, last by ManIkWeet 9 years, 1 month ago

Hi all, I figured this would be the best place to ask this...

I am working on a CADViewer that is getting models that are out of my control. The CADViewer is a replacement of the 3DViewer in an existing WPF application.

WPF is doing a load of magic when it comes to Normals/Vertices/Lighting which means that the models that I am getting are not correct in any way. Faces (triangles) that are on the same side of an object and are facing the same way are having different vertex-orientations. Matrices that I am receiving can have negative scale-values, meaning that vertex-order is once again flipped around. Those are just a few issues.

Currently the way I am tackling this issue to get acceptable results is the following:

  • Have the cullmode set to none.
  • Translate the light direction with the viewMatrix and then send them to the GPU.
  • In the vertex shader translate the vertices' position once with just the worldView matrix and another time with the worldViewProjection matrix.
  • In the geometry shader calculate the per-face normal using the position translated with the worldView matrix, set this normal to the 3 vertices that make up the face.
  • In the pixel shader (ab)use the SV_IsFrontFace variable to determine if the vertex normal (which really is the face normal) should be negative. Then then multiply the inputcolor with the lightcolor, then multiply that with the dotproduct of the vertex normal and the lightdirection.
  • In the pixel shader add a float4(0.1,0.1,0.1,1) to the output color to compensate for the brightness-loss that shouldn't happen.

The acceptable part of the results lean on the fact that the lightdirection that I give the GPU has influence, but not the expected influence.

My question is the following:

Is there a better way to tackle this issue? Like not calculating normals in the Geometry shader. Or not using the SV_IsFrontFace in the pixel shader. Perhaps a way that I don't have to translate the light's normal with the ViewMatrix?

Full shader code as a reference:

struct VS_IN
	float4 pos : POSITION;
	float3 norm : NORMAL;
	matrix instance : INSTANCEMATRIX;
	float4 color : INSTANCECOLOR;

struct PS_IN
	float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
	float4 viewPos : TEXCOORD0;
	float3 norm : NORMAL;
	float4 color: COLOR;

cbuffer viewProj : register (b0)
	matrix viewProj;

cbuffer view : register (b1)
	matrix view;

cbuffer lights : register (b0)
	float4 Light1Color;
	float3 Light1Direction;

PS_IN VS(VS_IN input)
	PS_IN output = (PS_IN)0;

	output.pos = mul(mul(input.pos, input.instance), viewProj);
	output.viewPos = mul(mul(input.pos, input.instance), view);
	output.color = input.color;

	return output;

void FlipFaceGS(triangle PS_IN input[3], inout TriangleStream<PS_IN> OutputStream)
	PS_IN v1 = input[0];
	PS_IN v2 = input[1];
	PS_IN v3 = input[2];

	float3 faceEdgeA = v2.viewPos - v1.viewPos;
		float3 faceEdgeB = v3.viewPos - v1.viewPos;
		float3 faceNormal = normalize(cross(faceEdgeA, faceEdgeB));

		v1.norm = faceNormal;
	v2.norm = faceNormal;
	v3.norm = faceNormal;


float4 PS(PS_IN input, bool front : SV_IsFrontFace) : SV_Target
	if (front)
		float4 newColor = (input.color * Light1Color * saturate(dot(input.norm, Light1Direction)));
		newColor += float4(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1);
		newColor.a = input.color.a;//we don't want to affect the alpha level with lights
		return newColor;

	else {
		float4 newColor = (input.color * Light1Color * saturate(dot(-input.norm, Light1Direction)));
		newColor += float4(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1);
		newColor.a = input.color.a;//we don't want to affect the alpha level with lights*/
		return newColor;

technique10 Render
	pass P0
		SetVertexShader(CompileShader(vs_4_0, VS()));
		SetGeometryShader(CompileShader(gs_4_0, FlipFaceGS()));
		SetPixelShader(CompileShader(ps_4_0, PS()));

WPF seems to be able to do it, but how?


Faces (triangles) that are on the same side of an object and are facing the same way are having different vertex-orientations.

I hope I understand the problem. Are you saying that for a single triangle, one vertex may have a "front-face" normal, and another vertex in that same triangle may have a "back-face" normal? If so, blink.png

In any case, you can calculate the normal in the pixel shader (eliminating the geometry shader), and flip that normal if the triangle is back-face. I.e., don't even pass the normal out of the vertex shader.


In the vertex shader, send the vertex world position to the pixel shader. It appears the world matrix is assumed to be identity, so just pass it through:

   output.worldPos = input.pos; // you don't need output.norm or viewPos

In the pixel shader, calculate the normal:

   float3 normal = normalize(cross(ddx(input.worldPos), ddy(input.worldPos))); // works even when normals are not supplied!
   if( front == false ) normal = -normal; // flip it
   float3 lightDirection = normalize( -LightDirection ); // assuming LightDirection is "true" direction in world
   // now both normal and lightDirection are in world space
   // continue with your dots and colors using local normal and lightDirection variables

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.

Are you sure you are reading the models in correctly? Are you sure the WPF app is doing some magic?

If you see code for the magic then just do the same thing?

If you don't have the code are you sure its doing magic? Could it be your not loading the model data correctly?

If there is magic to be performed and your loading the models just fix it then and send it to the GPU in a valid format. Instead of trying to fix things on the GPU every frame.

Just do the work once on the CPU and draw the corrected models. My guess this is what the WPF app is doing if its doing magic.

Faces (triangles) that are on the same side of an object and are facing the same way are having different vertex-orientations.

I hope I understand the problem. Are you saying that for a single triangle, one vertex may have a "front-face" normal, and another vertex in that same triangle may have a "back-face" normal? If so, blink.png

In any case, you can calculate the normal in the pixel shader (eliminating the geometry shader), and flip that normal if the triangle is back-face. I.e., don't even pass the normal out of the vertex shader.


In the vertex shader, send the vertex world position to the pixel shader. It appears the world matrix is assumed to be identity, so just pass it through:

   output.worldPos = input.pos; // you don't need output.norm or viewPos

In the pixel shader, calculate the normal:

   float3 normal = normalize(cross(ddx(input.worldPos), ddy(input.worldPos))); // works even when normals are not supplied!
   if( front == false ) normal = -normal; // flip it
   float3 lightDirection = normalize( -LightDirection ); // assuming LightDirection is "true" direction in world
   // now both normal and lightDirection are in world space
   // continue with your dots and colors using local normal and lightDirection variables

I tried as you suggested, resulting in the following shader code:

struct VS_IN
	float4 pos : POSITION;
	float3 norm : NORMAL;
	matrix instance : INSTANCEMATRIX;
	float4 color : INSTANCECOLOR;

struct PS_IN
	float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
	float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD0;
	float3 norm : NORMAL;
	float4 color: COLOR;

cbuffer viewProj : register (b0)
	matrix viewProj;

cbuffer view : register (b1)
	matrix view;

cbuffer lights : register (b0)
	float4 Light1Color;
	float3 Light1Direction;

	float4 Light2Color;
	float3 Light2Direction;

	float4 Light3Color;
	float3 Light3Direction;

PS_IN VS(VS_IN input)
	PS_IN output = (PS_IN)0;

	output.pos = mul(mul(input.pos, input.instance), viewProj);
	output.worldPos = mul(input.pos, input.instance);
	output.color = input.color;

	return output;

float4 PS(PS_IN input, bool front : SV_IsFrontFace) : SV_Target
	float3 normal = normalize(cross(ddx(input.worldPos), ddy(input.worldPos))); // works even when normals are not supplied!
	if (front == false) normal = -normal; // flip it
	float3 aLight1Direction = normalize(-Light1Direction); // assuming LightDirection is "true" direction in world
		float3 aLight2Direction = normalize(-Light2Direction); // assuming LightDirection is "true" direction in world
		float3 aLight3Direction = normalize(-Light3Direction); // assuming LightDirection is "true" direction in world
		// now both normal and lightDirection are in world space
		// continue with your dots and colors using local normal and lightDirection variables

	float4 newColor = (input.color * Light1Color * max(0, dot(normal, aLight1Direction)))
		+ (input.color * Light2Color * max(0, dot(normal, aLight2Direction)))
		+ (input.color * Light3Color * max(0, dot(normal, aLight3Direction)));
		newColor.a = input.color.a;//we don't want to affect the alpha level with lights
		return newColor;

technique10 Render
	pass P0
		SetVertexShader(CompileShader(vs_4_0, VS()));
		SetPixelShader(CompileShader(ps_4_0, PS()));

Where my program provides the lights as world-space vectors, the result is the following:


Are you sure you are reading the models in correctly? Are you sure the WPF app is doing some magic?

If you see code for the magic then just do the same thing?

If you don't have the code are you sure its doing magic? Could it be your not loading the model data correctly?

If there is magic to be performed and your loading the models just fix it then and send it to the GPU in a valid format. Instead of trying to fix things on the GPU every frame.

Just do the work once on the CPU and draw the corrected models. My guess this is what the WPF app is doing if its doing magic.

I am pretty sure WPF is doing magic, I am calculating the normals on the CPU but they become wrong because the vertex-order is messed up too. I am using the exact same vertex/index array as WPF is using, just converted to my own classes.

Images of magic mesh:


(Multiplying the CPU-calculated normal with the world matrix and the view matrix, no pixel-shader based normal flipping)


(using pixel-shader based normal-flipping using SV_IsFrontFace, appearantly that value doesn't change on negative-scale-matrices)


(Using geometry-shader normal calculation without using pixel-shader SV_IsFrontFace)


(using both geometry-shader normal generation and pixel-shader SV_IsFrontFace normalflipping, the desired but heavy-on-gpu output)

Matrices that I am receiving can have negative scale-values, ...

Bah! I missed that. My brain wasn't working (it's intermittent at best.) There are a lot of moving parts here, and I've lost the bubble.

Have you tried (in the VS or on CPU) multiplying the input normal by inverse-transpose of the instance matrix, passing that normal to the pixel shader, and normalizing it in the PS?

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.

Matrices that I am receiving can have negative scale-values, ...

Bah! I missed that. My brain wasn't working (it's intermittent at best.) There are a lot of moving parts here, and I've lost the bubble.

Have you tried (in the VS or on CPU) multiplying the input normal by inverse-transpose of the instance matrix, passing that normal to the pixel shader, and normalizing it in the PS?

I did try that a while ago, it made a difference but not in any desired way.

The pixel shader that you directed to actually works now, all that had to be done was remove the normal-flipper, actually making it even more efficient.

It's up to me to decide if it's quicker than my geometry-shader solution though.

At the least it's more predictable when it comes to the actual direction of light.

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