Character silhouette visible through geometry problem

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1 comment, last by BloodOrange1981 9 years ago

Hi Gamedev community, my problem for today is trying to render a characters' silhouette through geometry if there is any occlusion between the camera's pov and a character mesh. I understand how to detect the occlusion (if the vector/ray between the character and the camera intersects other geometry first) and then reorder the rendering calls with depth culling turned off for the character's outline (or composite the outline onto the final image as a kind of post process) but what if half the character is visible and half the character isn't?

E.g when turning a corner or half occluded.

Just so you know I'm implementing this in unity but I'd like a more high level approach to the problem so that in the future I can try and apply it to other engines and/or rendering APIs.



Can you just render the outline with a reversed depth comparison, so it only appears when it's behind something else?

Thanks, I'll try it!

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