Render some kind of realistic water with reflections how to

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0 comments, last by cozzie 9 years ago

so im making something on android i want to make the most realistic sea, anyway i use simple sine waves for ocean generation

problem is the rendering itself (now i am doing everything on cpu coz lack of transformfeedback, - i am not sure if getting texture pixel every frame for every ship will be faster, and eaisier handlig for multiplayer) oh i nearly forgot i use OpenGL ES 2.0 so its like opengl 2.0

The thing i want to do is to make it look more realistic. I use 64x64 grid and put waves on it (for now i stretch that grid to 250 meters x 250 meters but its still 64x64)

heres a video of the output i get be aware of the music i pciked the first one youtube offered (i was coughing very loud, and i dont have any video editing software for now)

So actually theres some kind of reflection (i see that normals are not smoothed) 0 the whiter the wave the more it reflects light.

I wonder if someone can point me what to do.

I basically aim for:

Since its computational expensive i dont want to change the shape of my waves but i need to make such detail texture on the water and such lovely reflections

Have you tried playing around with different textures?
Maybe not to busy ones, but with some "spots" in the water pattern

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