getting bytes from an integer

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1 comment, last by Arch_Spider 22 years, 5 months ago
hi there, If possible, how do I get the bytes from an integer with only using bit shifts and the binary operators. Thanks!
My favorite way of getting bytes from an integer is to let the compiler do it:

  typedef struct{unsigned char b[4];} b4_t; i = 15311, j;b4_t* pb4 = (b4_t*)&ifor (j=0 ; j<4 ; j++){printf ("byte %d = %d", j, (int)pb4->b[j]);}  

Hope it works, I didn''t actually compile this.
another non compiled and sure to fail approach, using only shifts and binary operations (the idea should work, though):

int i;
byte b1,b2,b3,b4;

b1 = (byte)(i&0xFF000000)>>24;
b2 = (byte)(i&0x00FF0000)>>16;
b3 = (byte)(i&0x0000FF00)>>8;
b4 = (byte)(i&0x000000FF);

You know, I never wanted to be a programmer...

Alexandre Moura

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