Questions before I start solo on a basic 3D RTS...

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10 comments, last by Ashaman73 8 years, 8 months ago

At this point in time, it's rather pointless for you to go through any "3D tutorials" that talk about 3d collisions, physics, terrain generation, water surface, etc. You are interested in building a 3D game, not a 3D engine. These mechanics are only useful to those who want to make their own engine.

I guess so...

More than anything I just wanted to get a better grounding in certain things, before moving onto the more proper commercial solutions for more practical purposes.

Maybe best would be just to continue to have a look around and read up on some of the theory behind things to satisfy my curiosity, while focusing on the likes of Unity for actual projects for the foreseeable future.

Which right now actually leaves just Unreal Engine 4, since Unity doesn't work on Vista and I BELIEVE (could be wrong) that I saw Unreal Engine 4 does.

EDIT: Actually it looks as though Vista isn't supported... at least it's not mentioned...


Some tips and thoughts:

RTS games aren't that hard. Compared to a FPS game, the classic RTS (Warcraft,SC etc.) is just a 2d game with 3d graphics. So, there's a lot of things which will make your life a lot easier. AzureBlaze has given a great introduction how to start a simple RTS game.

I would even go a step further and remove the real-time part and use a turn-base game instead. There are a lot of successful games like XCom,Space-Hulk and Shadowrun released the last years, which use this game mode.

The benefits are:

1. No need for physics (makes the live a lot easier).

2. Very simple network architecture.

3. Avoidance of lot of mass-unit AI trouble (units blocking each other etc.)

4. You need AI, 3d, networking, but all to a much lower degree.

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