detail textures on a terrain

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0 comments, last by kudi 22 years, 5 months ago
Hi, I am working on a terrain engine. I use ROAM and I have a 2048x2048 texture, that I divide into 256x256 textures. But that''s not enough detail. So I want to use detail textures. But I don''t know how to do. I use DirectX 7. I use D3DLVERTEX(D3DVECTOR(x,y,z),color,0,u,v); for my terrain vertices. So actually I need for every polygon the u,v coordinates one time for the detail texture, and one time for the whole texture. But how can I do this?
The problem of Object Oriented Programming:Everybody tells you how to use his classes, but nobody how not to do it !
Flexible Vertex Format (FVF)
I''ve never really worked with DirectX7 but I''m pretty sure FVF already existed there.
Indifference will be the downfall of mankind. But who cares?

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