DirectXTK compiling issue

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1 comment, last by garusher 8 years, 6 months ago


I have a C++/CLI i am developing.

I have DirectXTK and i keep getting LNK2019 unresolved external symbol DirectX::SpriteBatch::Begin and SprintFont::DrawString.

I believe i followed the install instructions, actually i've tried both ways.

a project to project reference and setting my projects VC++ directories/include and Library Directories explicitly.

I use the following in my source file.

# pragma comment (lib, "DirectXTK.lib")

so i'm stuck.





I implemented an Opaque pointer for my rendering class that contained the DirectXTK code that would not compile and turned /clr off for that source file.

now it compiles and runs. although i am getting stack overflows now.


Commented out the DirectXTK stuff in my rendering class, still getting the StackOverflow error.

the compiler moaned about XMMatrix not being 16bit aligned earlier, so i changed the function prototypes to void SetParentRotation(FXMMATRIX& matrix) from void SetParentRotation(FXMMATRIX matrix)

so i guess i will look into that as the cause.


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