Best Java Game Dev tutorials?

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6 comments, last by ChessRook25 8 years, 5 months ago

Where can I find good java Game Dev Tutorials?

I know this question must have been asked a million times, but when i search to find good tutorials

all i find are tutorials that only teach you how to make a specific game. What i am looking for is a

tutorial that shows you in great detail how to do one specific thing such as: Player input handling,

AI path-finding, rendering text to the screen, game loop, rendering graphics, and sound. I would like

to learn this way a lot more, because this way i would understand what I am doing a lot more, and

wouldn't just be copying the code and learning nothing. I have inferred that if I start this way, then

move onto learning how to make specific games like a platformer, that I would improve overall.

Thanks in advance to anyone who answers biggrin.png .


If you're looking for a specific type of algorithm, feel free to ask about it. We have many tutorials and guides on the site already. If you cannot find it on this site or find it with your favorite search engine, then you could ask again here in For Beginners about that specific algorithm.

As you described, there are many tutorials that teach a specific game. You follow the exact instructions and you get an exact result. That type of tutorial has only limited usefulness, it cannot be applied to other situations.

There are more general education topics where they teach you a theory and you are expected to interpret the theory and apply it to your own situation. These take more work but the theory can be applied to a wide range of situations.

For input handlers the guides will give general guidance on the theory, explaining how you can use a tool to accept input and generally translate it into events for another system to consume, but ultimately you will need to figure out how to adapt those systems to something specific to your game.

Or they will explain path finding algorithms like a* ("A star") that are great for games generally for finding paths from one point to another point. No matter how detailed the tutorial is, you still need to adapt for your own data structures and your own needs.

Many tutorials are not-in-your-favorite-language, or they end with math or pseudo code. Don't be afraid of them. It takes a bit more effort to understand and adapt it to your situation, but in general, the conversion is not that complicated.
Basic statements are the same in pretty much any (imperative) language.

As frob said, if you have problems, feel free to ask for advice for some troublesome part.

My I suggest you study the source code from my book, "Fundamental 2D game programming with Java."

I think, therefore I am. I think? - "George Carlin"
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I can't easily make links right now, but the Java ecosystem is extremely well defined.

For low level support, the weapon of choice is LWJGL.

For 2D and cross platform, the most popular library is easily LibGDX.

For 3D with tooling etc... the only real choice is jMonkeyEngine.

There are other options such as PlayN, Slick2D and AndEngine, but the first three are by far the most popular. If you are interested in LibGDX, I've done a full tutorial series covering pretty much everything you just described, it's linked in my footer I think. Otherwise Google any of those three and it will get you started.

If you want to take a "from scratch" approach, that's different and tricky in Java. The problem is, most of the libraries you would want access to for audio or graphics, are written in C or C++, meaning your first step would be a bunch of nasty bindings code ( with LWJGL does for you ), or to use a native library like AWT or SWING, which frankly no real game is going to ever do.

I've done a full tutorial series covering pretty much everything you just described

Thanks I'll check them outsmile.png

My I suggest you study the source code from my book, "Fundamental 2D game programming with Java."

I already have this book, and the content separation such as keyboard handling is very good, but not best for beginners.

As frob said, if you have problems, feel free to ask for advice for some troublesome part

I will whenever a problem arises that i deem worthy of your guys expertise, but for now i'll try to find the answer myself for learning purposes.

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