Propagate properties using a scene graph

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6 comments, last by SeanMiddleditch 8 years, 4 months ago

I read the book Real-Time Rendering and the author explains in section 14.1 - "Spatial Data Structures" that scene graphs can be used to propagate more than just matrix transformations down the hierarchy, like "materials" and light sources, and that's cool but the explanation ends right there. There's no info on techniques of doing these stuff.

Right now I'm using scene nodes as containers for geometry objects and the farthest I've gone is doing skeletal animation with them.

How such a system of using scene nodes as cameras, lights, shadows etc. can be be implemented and used in rendering? (A reading source will be gratefully accepted as well).

Is this "multipurpose" scene node approach just another form of ECS?


It was very popular in the 90's. Then people realized that using one common tree structure to try and solve multiple problems was a stupid idea, and now the very phrase "scene graph" makes people shudder.

So you're saying I shouldn't go with that approach and use scene nodes just for propagating transformations?

If yes, what's the alternative of doing what I mentioned?

In that traditional model, you could apply almost anything to a node, and it's children would inherit the value.
Transform a node and it's children also transform, put a blue texture on a node and it's children become blue, add a light to a node and it's children get lit.
Some variations of these kinds of systems had 'overrides' and 'defaults' when setting node properties -- so a parent node could set it's children's *default colour* to blue, which would only take effect if the child nodes didnt set their own default value (or explicitly override it).

These days, you instead have many structures for different purposes. You might have a linear array of scene objects for managing lifetimes (a "scene vector"?), a directed-acyclic-graph (ideally linearized into a vector) for propagating transforms through a hierarchy of bones, traditional composition/linking of materials/meshes/etc from scene objects, a bounding vokume hierarchy (or oct-tree/etc) for culling/spatial queries (a bounding volume instance might point to a scene item, or a list of them)... etc.

ECS is a family of ideas for making frameworks that revolve around composition. OOP also teaches that you should use composition, so this isn't specific to ECS, no.

This link gives a pretty detailed introduction into the history and evolution of scenegraphs:

As people itterated on the concept they ended up trying to leverage it for too many things that it wasn't optimal for, so implementations became bloated and inefficent messes many times. All that gave using the word 'scenegraph' somewhat a less than positive connotation.

Even if they don't call it a scenegraph most engines have something that still fits the basic description of the concept. Yet good implementations keep them directed to a task, being smart about reserving it for what it's does well and avoiding the temptation of a one-size fits all needs approach.

Today most wouldn't store the data in the graph, as a graph's best use is to optimize traversal of a hiearchy vs. efficency of data storage for varied types of objects. Instead you can use specialized graphs that are organized in a way that's ideal for the task that graph needs to solve, they reference objects/entities that are constructed in a way provides things like composition and that references data that's stored in the way that is most effecient for the processing, transfer and storage of data vs. forcing everything to couple to a representation that's good for graph searches and/or object composition.

"Who are you, and how did you get in here?""I''m the locksmith, and I''m the locksmith."
Scene Graphs

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

fwiw, the term "transform hierarchy" is becoming preferred in my experience over "scene graph" due to the aforementioned shudders that Hodgman mentioned. smile.png

Sean Middleditch – Game Systems Engineer – Join my team!

Another thing to keep in mind is that far fewer things are in the transform hierarchy than one might think. Physics and constraints keep many objects attached in many of today's games rather than the (graphics-only) transform hierarchy.

Also note that the transform hierarchy is often separate from the spatial structure used for object culling during rendering. The hierarchy is made for fast updates of transform data while the spatial structure is used for fast frustrum intersection tests, and are generally best served by very different data structures and algorithms. There may even be different data in both structures since there are items you probably want in the transform hierarchy that aren't even rendered (attachment points controlled by skeletal animations, camera locations, etc.).

Sean Middleditch – Game Systems Engineer – Join my team!

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