3D Model Terrain Collision

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10 comments, last by Defend 8 years, 1 month ago

As Defend said, the Kasper Fauerby paper has some issues. This paper presents some improvements: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1211.0059.pdf

For continuous collision detection between general polygon meshes I recommend the following paper by J.M.P. van Waveren: http://mrelusive.com/publications/papers/Robust-Continuous-Collision-Detection.pdf. This method was used for collision detection in Doom 3. I successfully implemented it for linear movement of my character controller, although without Plücker coordinates. Combined with the method of removing a degree of freedom with every iteration as discussed in the above arxiv.org paper, it works very well.


I actually disliked that 'remove degrees of freedom' approach in Linahan's article. I disliked the article on the whole, finding issues with it almost as much as I found with Fauerby's. I rambled with displeasure here: http://www.gamedev.net/topic/674540-annoying-things-about-fauerbys-and-nettles-sphere-mesh-collision-detection-guides/

Since you say it was used in Doom, perhaps I simply didn't recognise the proper application for the restricting degrees of freedom approach. Perhaps what I had in mind was something it didn't cater to. I can't remember why I was whining about that particular thing. I'm sure I look stupid in my other thread hehe.

I believe Fauerby's quadratic coefficients for detecting edge intersections are wrong also. This is because they are a straight copy of Schroeder's coefficients (found in the August 2001 copy of GDmag, at http://www.gdcvault.com/gdmag - you're welcome, people on the internet trying to source that). And Schroeder's coefficients are likely wrong, because Akenine-Moller says they are (in Real Time Rendering), and Akenine-Moller's coefficients are definitely correct.

Since Akenine-Moller used the exact same equations but got different results, and since none of these authors ever show how they get from equations to coefficients, Schroeder's are most likely wrong, which means Fauerby's are too.

The reason I say AK's coefficients are definitely correct is because Ericson (Real Time Collision Detection) produces the same coefficients as Akenine-Moller, and while Ericson - like every other author - doesn't show how he reached from equations to coefficients, Ericson's approach actually can be proven on paper. I believe the others required Mathematica; at least, Schroeder did. But Ericson's coefficients are definitely legit, and Akenine-Moller's are the same, even though Ericson uses a different approach (no simultaneous equations, no dot product = 0 trick).

So Nettle's guide = big mistakes, Fauerby's guide = several mistakes, Schroeder's guide = wrong coefficients.

Interestingly, these 3 authors are the 3 who wrote guides. Ericson and Akenine-Moller didn't write guides, they wrote books. Says something, doesn't it?

BUT having said that, Ericson also totally supports Nettle's completely incorrect approach, now listed as such on his website. Ericson also oddly describes his approach as "the one suggested in Schroeder with corrections in Akenine", when it simply isn't. The difference is the only reason I was able to work it out and confirm it as correct.

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