Good tutorial's for 2D voxel engine development with unity5

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3 comments, last by Ovicior 8 years, 1 month ago

Hi, I am having trouble finding any tile based 2D voxel engine tutorials for unity (preferably version 5). I am really interested in making a survival 2D game kind of like terriaria. Thanks!


2D voxel? Wouldn't that just be a pixel?

Just incase if you are looking for a tile maker program. Just check out Tiled. It's a simple little program were you can make levels, room or worlds in 2d. It also comes with add-on that simply transfers the map to your unity project. and also updates the map if changed in Tiled. But be sure to watch some tutorials before using it.

Check out quill18creates tilemap generation tutorial on youtube. Basically depending on the size of your game your going to have to make every tile a game object or generate a mesh at run time where each quad corresponds to a tile in your map. The latter is what I went with when I was doing this same thing in unity. its a little more tricky generating a mesh but its much better than thousands of game objects for tiles. If you need some help let me know.

2D voxels are pixels...

You not knowing this tells me you should probably start out with something more basic than a Terraria clone. Perhaps Pong. Video games are extremely complex, and making them is literally teaching a computer what kind of math to do and taking actions based on the results of that math.

Tiled and Tiled2Unity will be good once you get going. They won't be useful to you though, since you probably want randomly generated terrain, and not a few maps that get cycled through each time a world is "generated". I recommend going with Monogame and C#. You'll use a language that isn't as hard as others, and will learn the lower level stuff without going too low.

What will you make?

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