Building GLEW for MinGW

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2 comments, last by GearTreeEntertaiment 8 years, 1 month ago

Hi all,

Can anyone shed light on how the hell I build the GLEW libraries to work with CodeBlocks, it's driving me insane that I can't get started on an OpenGL/SDL2 project due to the stupid GLEW extensions.

I would really appreciate it if someone could direct me to a how-to or explain the steps.

Please save my sanity, muhahaahahaaa...

If you get near a point, make it!
You do not have to build the libraries, you can static link glew32s. You will also have to include the directory to the openGL libs in your Windows system32 folder. Also if you static link it do not forget to #define GLEW_STATIC. Then add "-lglew32s -lopengl32" to your linker flags, and it should work.

I use Codeblocks as well and this worked fine with SDL and OpenGL.


Alternatively just grab the GLEW source code - glew.c and glew.h are all you need - and include them directly in your project/makefile.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

Alternatively just grab the GLEW source code - glew.c and glew.h are all you need - and include them directly in your project/makefile.

True. You could just do that.


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