GLSL modulo strange behavior with negative number

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3 comments, last by Xelvair 8 years, 1 month ago

Hello everyone, I have been having an issue with the modulo implementation in GLSL

I'm running version 4.5 Core and have the following problem:

Even though mod is defined as

x - y * floor(x/y)

(source: which, when you plot it for y = 3, looks like this:

I am running into an issue where the result of -1 % 3 is apparently not within the domain [0, 2].

To be precise, the reduced code causing the error message is this:

vec3 barycentric;
vec3 barycentric_verts_sequence[3] = vec3[](vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
barycentric = barycentric_verts_sequence[-1 % 3];

The error reads: error C1068: array index out of bounds.

If shaders were easily debuggable, I probably wouldn't be asking this question, but since there's no way to step through the shader code while it's running, I was hoping that someone more experienced with GLSL could help me out!

Thanks in advance,



Looking at the GLSL spec, it doesn't seem to specify how operator% should be implemented... which means that behavior for negative inputs could well be implementation defined -- either using the floor definition, or the truncation definition which rounds towards zero instead of rounding towards negative infinity.

In the specs on page 104 it says about the % operator:

The operator modulus (%) operates on signed or unsigned integer scalars or integer vectors. [...] If both operands are non-negative, then the remainder is non-negative. Results are undefined if one or both operands are negative.

So -1 % 3 could be anything. I strongly suspect it is negative.

blah :)

Could you do something like

while (n < 0)
n += 3;

before using %?


Yeah, that must be it, thanks kolrabi!

Guess I'll only use modulo with positives from now on...

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