Registry Entry Locator

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3 comments, last by Nik02 8 years, 1 month ago

I am trying to write a Console Application in C#, that basically looks in a specific registry location, and returns "True", or "False", depending on whether or not it finds a key in there. I have no idea how to write anything that will do registry searches.

Basically, I'm looking for some advice on code to work with. Most importantly, I'm looking for reading material, so that I can try and understand this better. Usually, when I search for this kind of thing, I get results for people trying to do similar things, but not documentation (like W3 schools has for Javascript).

Any, and all advice that anyone an offer, would be greatly appreciated.


You probably want the RegistryKey API.

Check the documentation for Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey in mscorlib.dll, it has extensive details and examples on how to use it.

Going to look into both of those now. Thank you so much!! For C# type questions, is the Microsoft page the best place to go? or MSDN?

MSDN is Microsoft's official documentation :D

Niko Suni

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