Checking collisions of all entities in a 2D RPG

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9 comments, last by Ex0Matter 7 years, 10 months ago

I recently started working on a 2D game engine using SFML/C++, and I'm stuck now on trying to check collisions of any moving entities. Right now, my code is structured into Maps, which contain a simple manager of Entities. This manager just contains an array of Entity pointers, and is Map-specific. I've seen mentions of Quadtrees but I'm not sure if that would be effective for this type of project.

Feel free to check out my source code ( if you want to look at how I've done things, but remember that the design is probably not the best, and I have a ton of things I know I need to change.



Do you know if brute-forcing it will lag the game? If it does, take a look into quadtrees. If not, brute force it! An obvious way to brute force it is to collide all entities with all other entities, and manage from there. Maybe even perform a check to see if they are within range. Sure, this isn't the fastest you can be; but if it works, and works well, don't worry about implementing a quad-tree like structure.

Sorry if this sounds a little stupid, but how would I go about implementing this?

std::vector<sf::Sprite> objects;
for (auto &obj : objects)
  for (auto &collisionObject : objects)
    if (obj.getGlobalBounds().intersects(collisionObject.getGlobalBounds()))
      // collision!

That would be the most basic way of implementing a collision-like system. Only problems that the code above has is that you can collide with the same object you are testing with, and that with huge amount of objects (greater than 100), it will slow down.

Note: This will not resolve collisions. Only detect them

Ahh, thanks! Gonna go try that out now!


That would be the most basic way of implementing a collision-like system. Only problems that the code above has is that you can collide with the same object you are testing with, and that with huge amount of objects (greater than 100), it will slow down.

Note: This will not resolve collisions. Only detect them

I would prefer the following slight variation, which avoids the following problems:

Testing an object against itself.

Testing object 0 against object 1, and later testing object 1 against object 0.

std::vector<sf::Sprite> objects;
size_t num_sprites = objects.size();
for (int i = 0; i < num_sprites; i++){
  for (int j = i + 1; j < num_sprites; j++){
    if (objects[i].getGlobalBounds().intersects(objects[j].getGlobalBounds())){
      // collision!

Instead of a full on quadtree you can use a simpler grid to accelerate collision. Split your map up into equally sized rectangles. Place objects in each rectangle. Only check for collisions for object in the same rectangle. A simple way to reduce the amount of collision checks you need to run.

-potential energy is easily made kinetic-

Im unsure if Quadtrees are as effective in 2D space as they are in 3D space, like BSP trees

Quadtree works on 2D plane. It's octree that works in 3D space.

While I agree with the sentiment of profiling/benching and then optimizing if necessary, I also feel that for a beginner its good to introduce oneself to more advanced things. As a bonus since its not mission critical at the time there's less pressure. So if I were the OP I would implement brute force first make sure its working correctly then implement grid or quadtree acceleration for "fun".

-potential energy is easily made kinetic-

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