I Feel Really Stupid Now ...

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3 comments, last by SolDirix 7 years, 9 months ago

We all have "one of those days" sometimes

For over 90 minutes I was attempting to assign a value to an initialized array - inside of the class body ...

( For you's that aren't familiar with Java, you can't do that - it throws errors )

public class Random{

// Can not do it this way
String a;
a = "Moo!";

// Correct way to do it
String b = "Moo";

// Also correct 
String c;
     public Random(){
     c = "Moo!";


I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


90 minutes? I would have debugged that in half the time.

This is a typical symptom of mental exhaustion. Get a short vacation now! :)

Sort of thing i would do cos kids are bothering me all the time and i cant think straight.

Sometimes the dumb can infect us all at the most inconvenient moments. You are not alone.

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