String To Char* :(

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5 comments, last by dabihsss 7 years, 8 months ago

So i convert lets say its a std::string to char *

anyway debugger claims its there, but whenever i try to get value from char* it says its null and i get access violation 000000

i think its because of * in a void parameter anyway heres a code:

typedef std::string AnsiString;

void main()
int p;
char * u = 0;
AnsiString pk = "R";
CopyToPCHAR(pk, &p, u);

ShowMessage(AnsiString(u,p)); //error


template <class type> void DeleteIfPersist(int * len, type * p)
 if (p != 0) delete [] p;
 p = 0;
 (*len) = 0;

inline void CopyToPCHAR(AnsiString str, int * len, char * p /* i think heres a problem */)
DeleteIfPersist(len, p);

(*len) = str.Length();

if ((*len) > 0)
p = new char[ (*len) ];
strcpy(p, str.c_str());


so what is going on?
CopyToPCHAR needs to take either a pointer or reference to char*, otherwise all changes are done to local variables and lost on return.

p = new char[ (*len) ];

That's not enough space to store the string and a terminating zero.

if ((*len) > 0)

What's the point of that condition? What would you like to happen if str is an empty string?

Thanks all changing to:

inline void CopyToPCHAR(AnsiString str, int * len, char *& p) solved the case

Alvaro my program by default uses char* without null terminator


i have another question because i have similar problem:

template <class type> void Copycptr(const int * s, type * sp, int * d, type *& dp) //changed it like above from type * dp
DeleteIfPersist(d, dp);
(*d) = (*s);
int k = (*d);

if (k <= 0) return;
dp = new type[ k ];
for (int i=0; i < k; i++) dp[i] = sp[i]; //and i have error here with the same access violation 00000 thing

i try to copy with that function both int * or char *

for ints

Copycptr(&in.qual_len, in.qualID, &qual_len, qualID);

where qual_len is int

and int * qualID;

for chars

Copycptr(&in.stanowisko_len, in.stanowisko, &stanowisko_len, stanowisko);

int stanowisko_len

char * stanowisko;

boths in. structure is

employee& operator=(const employee& in)

and crap it may be something else, andi changed whole application base code, to use that and didint check it till now x_X


Spoiler is fixed because i was trying to copy pointer1 to pointer1 instead of pointer1 to pointer2 :/

Copycptr(&in.ulen[month], uwagi[month], &ulen[month], uwagi[month]); where i had to write:

Copycptr(&in.ulen[month], in.uwagi[month], &ulen[month], uwagi[month]);

And alvaro i just wrote that if statement because if theres an empty string to copy = do nothing. (all pointers and lengths are zeroed)

Alvaro my program by default uses char* without null terminator

Sure, but strcpy doesn't care what conventions you have in your head.

strcpy(p, str.c_str());

That's not enough space to store the string and a terminating zero.

Just got that error, luckily you mentioned that.

a bucket of kittens for you :P


I was also facing the same issue. Thank you for the help

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