Calculate surface normal?

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1 comment, last by flaXen 22 years, 4 months ago
Is there a function in DirectX8 to calculate the surface normal for a polygon? The only one I can find works for models only.
There''s no function to do it, but the formula to calculate the normal of a polygon is pretty simple: Normal = Crossproduct of V and W, where V is a vector representing one side of the polygon and W is a vector representing another side.

Calculating surface normals at each vertex is a little more complex and involves averaging normalised polygon normals for each polygon the vertex is a part of.


Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
--------------------Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
Just to clarify, if you have a triangle composed of points represented by vectors a,b,c, then you need to get 2 edges of the triangle (p,q) by:


Then take the Cross Product:

n = p cross q;

Then normalize the vector (if you need a unit vector):

normalize ( n );

This gives you the unit vector normal to the surface of the triangle.

If you want the vertex normal of a given vertex just sum up the triangle face normals of every triangle surrounding the given vertex, average them, and normalize the result.

for each vertex{  vertex_normal = 0,0,0;  number_of_surrounding_faces = 0;  for each triangle  {       if vertex is part of triangle       {          vertex_normal += triangle_normal;           number_of_surrounding_faces++;       }  }   vertex_normal /= number_of_surrounding_faces;   normalize ( vertex_normal );} 

Forgive the pseudo code, since I am at home for Thanksgiving without my computer. Of course if you are using the IDirect3dMesh class, it can do the vertex normal calculations for you.

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