Compute shader compile failed

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0 comments, last by そら 7 years, 5 months ago

Hi everyone,

Is there any particular restriction on the number of SSBO I can use in a compute shader?...

in the code below, as soon as I write the code of Input2 the code fails to compile... if I remove it the compilation goes ok.

#extension GL_ARB_compute_shader : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object : enable

layout(std430) buffer;
layout(binding = 0) buffer Input0
  float array1[];

layout(binding = 1) buffer Input1
  float array2[];

// if I only remove this one, the code compiles ok
layout(binding = 2) buffer Input2
  float array3[];

layout(local_size_x = 128) in;

void main()



I did a search to see if there were any restrictions on the number of SSBO I can use or something, but nothing that could hint at what might be the problem... any ideas?

"lots of shoulddas, coulddas, woulddas in the air, thinking about things they shouldda couldda wouldda donne, however all those shoulddas coulddas woulddas ran away when they saw the little did to come"

forget it this post... the problem was not in the code, the source code string buffer was not ending with '\0' so that caused compilation issues...

sorry for taking your time!

"lots of shoulddas, coulddas, woulddas in the air, thinking about things they shouldda couldda wouldda donne, however all those shoulddas coulddas woulddas ran away when they saw the little did to come"

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