sort std::vector<int> but not just like that (that would be too easy)

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3 comments, last by mzbear 7 years, 4 months ago

i have two vectors

std::vector<int> PersonID;
std::vector<int> HitRatio;
now i would like to sort HitRatio but using std::sort (never used it anyway) will sort only HitRatio but PersonID[index] corresponds to HitRatio[index] so whenever i sort HitRatio PersonID needs to be changed too. Since im lazy i wonder if theres a function for that.
Likely no, I don't know of anything and a quick google doesn't throw up a std function of sorts.

If I was going to, and I couldn't merge the data in to pairs (be it std::pair or a custom struct) to sort via a custom compare operator then chances are I'd write some kind of adapter class to act as the iterator for the sort operation. It would have to have an interface which fits sort's requirements and as input you'd give it the two iterators you care about.

// In something like C++11
std::sort(DuelSortAdapter(std::Begin(HitRatio), std::Begin(PersonID)), DuelSortAdapter(std::End(HitRatio), std::End(PersonID)), [](DuelSortAdapter &lhs, DuelSortAdapter &rhs) { return *lhs->key() < *rhs->key(); });
Where 'key' returns the value of the first collection.

Then the swap would be something like;

void DuelSortAdapter::Swap(DuelSortAdapter &rhs)
    std::swap(*keyItor, rhs.keyItor);
    std::swap(*valueItor, *rhs.valueItor);
Where keyItor and valueItor are the two iterators you are incrementing to walk the collections.

The pre-increment operator for DuelSortAdapter would increment both at once.

Full implementation is left as an exercise to the reader ;)
You can find "zip" utilities that form a tuple of iterators to multiple ranges, and then sort on that with a custom predicate. Something like this exists in my code for instance:

array_view<DrawID> ids;
array_view<SpriteTranform> transforms;
array_view<Texture> textures;
array_view<int> atlasIndices;

sort(zip(ids, transforms, textures, atlasIndices), [](auto& lhs, auto& rhs){ return get<0>(left) < get<0>(right); });
The zip function forms a range of tuple of references. The predicate sorts on the first element, which is the draw ID. The internal swap calls of the sort algorithm swap the tuples of references, which swaps all the referenced data. The range (effectively a pair of iterators) supports the necessary iteration semantics sort requires, as in this case the zip range is random access because all the input ranges are range access.

You can find versions of such functions around the Internet. Boost has copies, if you dare to include Boost. Ranges-v3 has it. There's been other various versions posted online for years.

If you're just got the one case of needing this, writing something locally is easy enough too. Just make a custom small iterator, along the lines of (untested):

struct zip_iter
  int* _first = nullptr;
  int* _second = nullptr;

  using iterator_category = random_access_iterator_tag;
  using value_type = pair<int, int>;
  using reference = pair<int&, int&>;
  using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;

  zip_iter() = default;
  zip_iter(int* a, int* b) : _first(a), _second(b) {}

  zip_iterator& operator++() { ++_first; ++second; return *this; }

  reference operator*() { return {*_first, *_second}; }

  // only need to check the first pointer since the two should be synchronized
  bool operator==(zip_iter rhs) const { return _first == rhs._first; }
  bool operator!=(zip_iter rhs) const { return _first != rhs._first; }

  // add all the other crap required at

Sean Middleditch – Game Systems Engineer – Join my team!

i wonder if i wrote that properly.

inline void SortTwoVectorsByOne(std::vector<int> & tosort, std::vector<int> & second)
int i,j;
	 int len = tosort.size();

	for (i = 0; 	i < len; i++)
	for (j = 0; 	j < len-1; j++)
		if ( tosort[j] > tosort[j+1] )
 int tmp = tosort[j+1];
 tosort[j+1] = tosort[j];
 tosort[j] = tmp;

 tmp = second[j+1];
 second[j+1] = second[j];
 second[j] = tmp;


and then call it by

std::vector<int> PersonID;
std::vector<int> HitRatio;

code seems to work fine but i wonder if i dont have some sort of bug here with

nline void SortTwoVectorsByOne(std::vector<int> & tosort, std::vector<int> & second)


if ( tosort[j] > tosort[j+1] )


int tmp = tosort[j+1];


tosort[j+1] = tosort[j];

Do you really need them sorted, or do you just need to go through them in a sorted order?

In the latter case, you could just generate an index array and sort just that...

    std::vector<int> order;
    for(int i=0; i<PersonID.size(); i++)

    std::sort(begin(order), end(order), [&](int a, int b){
        return HitRatio[a] < HitRatio[b];

    for (int idx : order) {
        std::cout << PersonID[idx] << ": " << HitRatio[idx] << std::endl;

Or you could abuse std::multimap since it automatically sorts itself...

    std::multimap<int,int> hack;
    for (int i=0; i<PersonID.size(); i++)
        hack.emplace(HitRatio[i], PersonID[i]);
    for (const auto &hit_person : hack) {
        std::cout << hit_person.second << ": " << hit_person.first << std::endl;

Or you could make a struct for your hitratio records, even a dummy one just inside your function that needs it...

    struct HitRatioRecord {
        int id;
        int ratio;
        bool operator< (const HitRatioRecord &other) const {
            return ratio < other.ratio;
    std::vector<HitRatioRecord> hrr;
    for (int i=0; i<PersonID.size(); i++)
        hrr.push_back({ PersonID[i], HitRatio[i] });
    std::sort(begin(hrr), end(hrr));
    for (const auto &v : hrr) {
        std::cout << << ": " << v.ratio << std::endl;

I could come up with a dozen more ways to do this but I suppose I'll stop here :)

EDIT: const auto & instead of just auto to avoid unnecessary temporary object copies...

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