scale matrix and rectangle

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1 comment, last by jlluengo 7 years, 3 months ago
I have some parallelograms like from image.
i must find a method for calculate a scale matrix that convert a fixed rectangle (that is always the same) in to these parallelogram is possible?

The one on the right you might have some luck with using a shear matrix, the top left one I don't think you will be able to do and the bottom one is difficult to make out what's going on.

There was a similar post here recently which might help (I couldn't find it but I will have another look) though I recall the answer being no.

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Yes, you need a perspective transformation matrix or simply a transformation matrix, not a scale matrix. I want to guess you want to transform first quad to second quad.

(P1) (P2)

+--------+ (P1') (P2')

| | +--------+

| | => / \

| | / \

+--------+ +--------------+

(P3) (P4) (P3') (P4')

P1 (x1, y1) ==> P1' (x1', y1')

P2 (x2, y2) ==> P2' (x2', y2')

P3 (x3, y3) ==> P3' (x3', y3')

P4 (x4, y4) ==> P4' (x4', y4')

Transformation T matrix that converts Pn to Pn' (Pn and Pn' written as a column vector with homogeneous coordinate) is:

Pn' = T * Pn

+- -+ +- -+ +- -+

| Xn' * Wn' | | a b c | | Xn |

| Yn' * Wn' | = | d e f | * | Yn |

| Wn' | | g h 1 | | 1 |

+- -+ +- -+ +- -+

You must have 4 mapping points known in order to create a linear equation system with 12 variables. Each Pn' has a homogenous cordinate too.

X1' * W1' = a * X1 + b * Y1 + c

Y1' * W1' = d * X1 + e * Y1 + f

W1' = g * X1 + h * Y1 + 1

X2' * W2' = a * X2 + b * Y2 + c

Y2' * W2' = d * X2 + e * Y2 + f

W2' = g * X2 + h * Y2 + 1

X3' * W3' = a * X3 + b * Y3 + c

Y3' * W3' = d * X3 + e * Y3 + f

W3' = g * X3 + h * Y3 + 1

X4' * W4' = a * X4 + b * Y4 + c

Y4' * W4' = d * X4 + e * Y4 + f

W4' = g * X4 + h * Y4 + 1

Reordering, constants on the left, variables on the right:

0 = a * X1 + b * Y1 + c - X1' * W1'

0 = d * X1 + e * Y1 + f - Y1' * W1'

-1 = g * X1 + h * Y1 - W1'

0 = a * X2 + b * Y2 + c - X2' * W2'

0 = d * X2 + e * Y2 + f - Y2' * W2'

-1 = g * X2 + h * Y2 - W2'

0 = a * X3 + b * Y3 + c - X3' * W3'

0 = d * X3 + e * Y3 + f - Y3' * W3'

-1 = g * X3 + h * Y3 - W3'

0 = a * X4 + b * Y4 + c - X4' * W4'

0 = d * X4 + e * Y4 + f - Y4' * W4'

-1 = g * X4 + h * Y4 - W4'

Constants: X1, X1', X2, X2',X3, X3',X4, X4'

Variables: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, W1', W2', W3', W4' (12 variables)

Number of equations: 12

Solve the system with a matricial method, for instance Cramer, and you will get the transformation matrix you are looking for. Remember, after applying transformation matrix to a point you will have to divide point coordinates by its homogeneous coordinate.

There are several libraries/frameworks that can compute perspective transformation matrix directly. One of them is Qt Framework (quite known in c++ comunity). It's easy and quick.

The code would be the following:

// Remember x1, y1, ..., x4, y4 and x1', y1', ..., x4',y4' are known values

QPolygonF quad_source, quad_target;

quad_source << QPointF(x1, y1) << QPointF(x2, y2) << QPointF(x3, y3) << QPointF(x4, y4);

quad_target << QPointF(x1', y1') << QPointF(x2', y2') << QPointF(x3', y3') << QPointF(x4', y4');

// Declaring transform matrix variable

QTransform t;

bool ok = QTransform::quadToQuad(quad_source, quad_target, t);


// Here t contains a 3x3 transformation matrix

//ok could result false for instance if the origin quad is a convex quad and target quad is not convex. Example:


// (1)

// (1) (2) +

// +------+ / \

// | | => / \

// +------+ +--+\ \

// (3) (4) (3) (4)\ \

// \ \

// + (2)


// (4) is convex on first polygon and concave on second polygon. There isn't solution for this kind of situations.

If you work on Computer Vision, OpenCV has a similar method called cv::getPerspectiveTransform:,%20InputArray%20dst%29

I'm sure there must be more APIs that can compute matrix directly without solving any linear equation system.

I hope this post can help you.


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