New Game Idea (Pitch) Looking for Team

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7 comments, last by FrogStop Studios 6 years, 2 months ago

My Name is Austin Blaschke,
I am majoring in computer engineering and software engineering at Auburn University. I now own the studio (23 Incites Studio) we are an official studio backed by the IRS. We are currently embarked on a mission to create a game demo and preview. I am in need of programmers and Video designers and 3D designers for 3D assets and rendering. We are creating a free roam open world survival game in the future on a different planet. Anyone that wants to help or apply for the company can just join the discord its always a friendly environment.

I'm looking for a group of people that work well together and can work with anyone on this project looking for anyone. 

Msg me at or join this discord server 

Austin Blaschke


And what is it about?

@rlyeh If you join the discord I will pitch the idea to as I would a AAA company and you can decide if you would like to help or not i want to pitch the idea to everyone individually so I get separate responses and outlooks from everyone. 

I can tell you i am using the Unreal Engine to create this project.

Austin Blaschke

Hmm not coming forward with information about your project will not attract anybody. It's all too mysterious - in a negative way. But good luck with your project anyway.

@rlyeh I am hesitant because I am making this game it is very private and if anyone wants to be apart of it I will pitch the idea to you but if not I hope you have a great day and I’ll continue working on my project

You are taking your thoughts to far this is a game development site not a detective sites no one wants to hurt or harm or be discrete about anything I just want my idea to be mine and if you want to be apart of it you can

Austin Blaschke

All you did was copy this thread and slightly change it :  


@FrogStop Studios I used his comment yes because at the time it was a good way of producing what we needed I am sorry if you are offended it is now fixed. today we got backed by the IRS and are official company does that make it any better?

Austin Blaschke

16 hours ago, austin blaschke said:

@FrogStop Studios I used his comment yes because at the time it was a good way of producing what we needed I am sorry if you are offended it is now fixed. today we got backed by the IRS and are official company does that make it any better?

Even if you “fixed” it, it still means you didn’t care enough to write your own at the time. And if you got backed, I think that’s worse if you just copied the other one, as you may do the same with your games.

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