Artist looking for help...

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4 comments, last by MaxRC 6 years, 2 months ago

I don't know ANYTHING about game development or even 3D modeling. I'm not a programmer, and I can't build landscapes or anything like that. What I AM, is an artist and an amateur writer. I'm good at stories and I'm good at designing characters, and that's it. That's why I need help. I have an idea for a game that I'd love to turn into one, but I can't do anything but draw and that gets me nowhere. I need outside help. Anyway, I'll give a rundown of my idea and some character designs and see if maybe anyone might want to help me?


Story Summary

The story focuses around a small robot called EBO. EBO stands for Exploration Bot One and he's the player character. EBO was created by a group of scientists to explore the foreign planet that their new base is located on. EBO has two control modes, RC Mode and Normal Mode. When in RC Mode, EBO's AI is stored on one of the base's computers. When RC Mode is deactivated, EBO's AI is automatically transferred to his body.

While in a routine test of EBOs functions in RC Mode, he is suddenly thrown into Normal Mode. Confused, EBO explores the forest around him as he was assigned to do. EBO has the mindset of a child, and is thus self aware, capable of puzzle solving and combat, and is fully capable of functioning completely on his own. He also has a limited range of emotions and a sense of right and wrong. Upon exploring the forest in 2P mode, EBO finds his "sibling" EBZ. EBZ stands for Exploration Bot Zero, and was the prototype to EBO. He was sent to explore the forest first and disappeared shortly after.

As it turns out, EBZ fell into a pit and could not jump high enough to escape and has been trapped there the entire time. EBO will work to free EBZ in 2P mode. If played in 1P mode, the game would cut out the finding of EBZ. Regardless of which game mode the player chooses, they will exit the forest to find the area beyond somewhat destroyed. Intruiged, EBO (and possibly EBZ) will proceed to follow the path of destruction seeking its source. This will lead the player through a series of locations (i.e. levels).

Eventually, EBO will discover that the source of the destruction is a creature called CoPro. CoPro stands for Combat Prototype, and was the initial version of EBO's Combat Mode. CoPro also went missing some time ago, after going berserk in the field and had not been seen since. CoPro has completely destroyed the base and all of its inhabitats, which deeply affects EBO. EBO destroys CoPro (with EBZ in 2P).

The game has two endings. The 1P ending, the FALSE ending shows EBO in deep emotional despair as he finds a scrap of clothing from one of the scientists. He then destroys his own core, forcibly shutting himself down. The game ends with the scrap of cloth flying up toward the sky and then fading to black with the title of the game fading in.

The 2P ending, the TRUE ending includes all of the above, except instead of cutting to black we see EBZ's foot step in next to EBO's body. We then see EBO come to inside the remains of the ruined base. As he is about to destroy himself again, EBZ stops him and the two hug. They then exit the base and the game ends with them looking out across the planet with the base behind them. It then cuts to black and shows the title of the game fading in.



These designs are black and white and haven't really made it to full fledged illustrations yet, but they are all I have at the moment and should be more than enough to suffice in terms of portraying the character designs for the time being.


EBO stands for Exploration Bot One. EBO is a curious little robot built for exploration. He is the second version, and the first robot to have made it out of the prototype stage. Everything is interesting to him, and he will scan or intently study anything he comes across. He holds respect for all living things and objects and tries his best not to disturb anything around him. Fearless and strong, EBO is tough and durable, capable of combat if necessary and comes with a host of features. His sensitive ears double as flashlights for dark areas, his chunky arms are equipped with small laser cannons for obstacle removal, his eyes can see multiple light spectrums, and his back contains rocket boosters for short range flight and hovering.



EBZ, or Exploration Bot Zero, is the prototype to EBO. Unlike EBO, EBZ is chunky and build for heavy lifting. He cannot jump very high and is a little slower and shorter than EBO. He is very heavy, and needed no Combat Mode as he was strong enough to dispatch any threat. He went missing a few months prior and EBO found him stuck in a pit. He and EBO are as close as robots can get to siblings, however EBZ is significantly more gentle and timid than EBO. Just as curious, EBZ gets somewhat upset if anything or anyone gets injured and dislikes fighting. EBZ cares very much for EBO, and repairs him on a regular basis throughout their journey. He is also the Player 2 avatar.



CoPro stands for Combat Prototype. CoPro was the prototype design for EBO's Combat Mode, and malfunctioned during testing. Initially believed to be lost, it actually went off on a rampage, destroying everything in it's path before becoming corrupted by crystals growing on the alien planet on which the story takes place. It's destructive capacity increased significantly until it lost all sense of control it had left. It is now nothing more than a mindless killing machine, and destroyed the lab it was created in along with all of the scientists inside, leaving EBO and EBZ both homeless and alone.



The planet the game takes place on (which has yet to be named), is filled with all manner of strange and wondrous wildlife. Some are friendly...some, not so much. These creatures can be both peaceful or aggressive hindrances to our robot protagonists, some acting as enemies to be battled while others block the path and refuse to move until small side quests are completed for them. Be it bringing them an item or rebuilding their destroyed homes, when one of these oddities shows up something interesting is bound to happen. Some even have the capability to heal our battle-worn robots. 


Game Style

The game would be in 3D, with several varying locations representing different areas of the planet the game takes place on. It would have a very vibrant color style for most locations (think Breath of the Wild or something like that), but the colors would of course change depending on the background setting. It would be a puzzle platformer, preferably with creatively fun puzzles and a moderate challenge. When I say puzzle platformer I'm thinking something like the good Spyro games, with a semi open world that you can explore that has puzzles leading to new areas.

There would also be several side characters consisting of the strange animals that inhabit the planet. They don't actually speak (and neither does EBO), but instead convey what they want through text bubbles above their heads. Said bubbles don't have text, but instead would have a picture of an item they are seeking or an item the player needs to find in order to advance.

What I Need

I'm an artist. I have two art degrees and I'm pretty good with writing too. What I need are people who can 3D model and people who can do programming. I have quite a few friends who are capable of creating the music, but help with that is always appreciated. I specialize in character design so a concept artist who is good at landscapes and backgrounds would also be accepted.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day!




Hello :)

I'd say  you've done a great job at presenting your idea as well as what you do and what you need. Perhaps turn this into into a game design document and think about narrowing down what your game is about in a more mechanical way. I know you gave some ideas (like BOTW etc) but perhaps it can be further specified to a blend of specific genres, since it is still a bit broad, perhaps this will bring more people in.

Do not be discouraged by any means though, I think your post is with great quality and you sound someone awesome to work with.


2 hours ago, MaxRC said:

Hello :)

I'd say  you've done a great job at presenting your idea as well as what you do and what you need. Perhaps turn this into into a game design document and think about narrowing down what your game is about in a more mechanical way. I know you gave some ideas (like BOTW etc) but perhaps it can be further specified to a blend of specific genres, since it is still a bit broad, perhaps this will bring more people in.

Do not be discouraged by any means though, I think your post is with great quality and you sound someone awesome to work with.


That sounds like a good start. Any suggestions or advice on how I would begin going about doing that?

Well, even though you specialize in art, if you enjoy game making you are going to have to wear game design hat several times :), so why don't you start perhaps by reading some public design documents, and get some inspiration about how they frame and present their ideas? There are several high profile games which design documents or pitches are public and free to read. GTA, Diablo, Doom, to name a few, check those out.


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