Changing number space with multiplication

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19 comments, last by LorenzoGatti 6 years, 1 month ago

I believe this code does what you want:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

float shortest_distance_mod(double A, double B, double M) {
  return std::abs(std::fmod(std::abs(A - B) + M * .5, M) - M * .5);

int main() {
  std::cout << shortest_distance_mod(3.0, 4.0, 4.0) << '\n';



You are probably in trouble not with scaling but with the difference between using the same floating-point numbers to approximate two different Lie groups: real numbers  and U(1). The latter has two complications compared to traditional arithmetic:

  • addition of angles modulo a constant, which is traditionally 2pi only because angles in radians fit the usual definitions of trigonometric functions and are thus easy to use
  • a countably infinite set of choices for the difference of two angles, of which only two can possibly be the smallest distance, as put into a nice formula by Alvaro in the post above.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

I should mention that there are two other of U(1) that deserve consideration: 2x2 special orthogonal matrices and unit-length complex numbers. The latter is particularly useful. You can think of it as representing rotations using the vector (cos(alpha), sin(alpha)). Making them complex numbers makes sense because complex multiplication then corresponds to composition of rotations (i.e., sum of angles).

Through the years I have posted several snippets of code using this representation instead of angles. I'll be happy to produce code for whatever operations you currently do with angles, if you are interested. The code is typically more concise, it is easier to get right and it requires fewer trigonometric operations than using angles.


Thanks for the code snippet. Though I must say I don't understand it very well. I see that A is current location, B is the desired, M is probably the length of the circle and abs(A - B) is the distance, but I don't see why we have to add + M * .5 and that two times (second time with subtraction), use mod() and than again abs()?

How I originally thought to solve the problem is to first transform it to radian space. I thought to multiply my domain x[0, 4] like x * 2pi. This would get me to [0, 25.12] which is I think not what I wanted. I think I should somehow convert [0, 4] to [0, 6.28] if I'm correct and than I'll be able to use sin(), cos() to get the distances and other things?

1 hour ago, ryt said:

I thought to multiply my domain x[0, 4] like x * 2pi. This would get me to [0, 25.12] which is I think not what I wanted.

It is the value you wanted, it's just not in the wrapped space you expect. 25.12 ~ = 8pi, which is 4 times round a circle.

That's what the modulo operation in alvaro's solution is there for. It takes that result, and wraps it back into the desired range.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

I feel like I'm so close to understand this but somehow I'm not quite there. Could you please explain this a bit further, why do we use modulo here (@alvaro solution) for the expected value? How does that returns us to the desired range?

Edit: Oh, I think I see, we just scratch the extra value, the value that got us to 8pi (4 times around the circle).
Now it looks like to me that it's mandatory to use modulo after a multiplication so we could get back to transformed space, is this true?

Give A-B a name, like x. Then plot these functions:



abs(x) + 2

fmod(abs(x) + 2, 4)

fmod(abs(x) + 2, 4) - 2

abs(fmod(abs(x) + 2, 4) - 2

You'll see that the last one has the shape you need:,+4)+-+2)+for+x+between+-8+and+8

Perhaps that sequence of transformations will make sense then.


Ok, I plotted every function. I can see where you were going with this through I don't understand it yet completely. Maybe I'll get to it later.
@swiftcoder mentioned that you are using mod() to wrap the function back to desired range but you were not converting it to radians in the first place so I'm left a bit confused. I see that you had to bring it back because of +2 (+M*.5) but it's still not entirely clear to me.

It came to my mind that when I tried to convert [0, 4] to [0, 6.28] radians I can do it with percentages too. If we say that the first part is in domain K and second in domain L, then if we have some angle A_k in domain K, we can divide it by K Lenght, that is 4. This will give us the percentage p. If we multiply L Lenght * p it will give us the same angle in domain L, that is a angle A_l in radians.
Now, I know that the next calculation is wrong, but I guess that we could do something like we did before to get the same answer, try to multiply A_k * 6.28 and mod() this with K/L Lenght. This doesn't give us A_l but I'm sure that we could do something similar to arrive to it?

I don't understand where your confusion is coming from. Why are you so bent on using radians? In the question you posed about computing the smallest distance between 3 and 4 when wrapping modulo 4, radians are nowhere to be found; not in the question, and not in the answer. You just need a saw-tooth pattern, and the formula I gave you produces it.


On 3/21/2018 at 8:55 PM, ryt said:

Ok, I plotted every function. I can see where you were going with this through I don't understand it yet completely. Maybe I'll get to it later.
@swiftcoder mentioned that you are using mod() to wrap the function back to desired range but you were not converting it to radians in the first place so I'm left a bit confused. I see that you had to bring it back because of +2 (+M*.5) but it's still not entirely clear to me.

It came to my mind that when I tried to convert [0, 4] to [0, 6.28] radians I can do it with percentages too. If we say that the first part is in domain K and second in domain L, then if we have some angle A_k in domain K, we can divide it by K Lenght, that is 4. This will give us the percentage p. If we multiply L Lenght * p it will give us the same angle in domain L, that is a angle A_l in radians.
Now, I know that the next calculation is wrong, but I guess that we could do something like we did before to get the same answer, try to multiply A_k * 6.28 and mod() this with K/L Lenght. This doesn't give us A_l but I'm sure that we could do something similar to arrive to it?

You are confusing three completely different and rarely related computations:

  • Alvaro's shortest_distance_mod function: given two values A < B in the [0,M] range compute the minimum distance between them i.e. the minimum between the absolute values of A-B and A-B+M,
    Both values are in the [0,M] range, and obviously the smallest of the two is in the [0,M/2] range.
    In this context the meaning of such a specific operation is obtaining an angle from two rotations, measuring how different they are: the minimum value is 0 for A=B and the maximum value is M/2 for A and B half a complete revolution away.
  • Given an arbitrary real number X, "wrapping" it to the [0,M] range. This can be done wrong (e.g. by accidentally wrapping -X) or very wrong, and in this context it is a particularly irreversible operation (the result between 0 and M is not compatible with the input value, it's an U(1) element and also an equivalence class of input values (i.e. R+k*M for all integer values of k)
  • Given U(1) values represented as real numbers modulo K, represent them as real numbers modulo L instead. As you figured out, this is simple scaling; in practice, since it is mathematically pointless, you should do it exclusively for data conversion purposes.
    For example, a game engine embracing floating point numbers could use radians exclusively, L=2pi, but level files could represent object facing in fixed point, K=2^n for a small integer n.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

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