a skeleton application

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1 comment, last by Choo Wagga Choo Choo 5 years, 8 months ago


I'm looking for a Direct3D SKELETON application (an application as small as possible) written in C++ which makes a simple small drawing which does NOT move or rotate, so that I can get a quick start into Direct3D programming. Is there a web site that contains that kind of a skeleton application?

Thanks in advance


I think the easiest way to get into directx programming is with the DirectXTK, especially if coming from XNA/Monogame because of the method naming and workflow similarities. The entire library is not required. You can break it up and only use pieces if you desire. Currently, I'm using DirectX::SpriteBatch and DirectX::SimpleMath. Here is the getting started page where a VisualStudio project template can be installed to produce your starter files automatically.


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