Clear Data & Restore Purchases?

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2 comments, last by LorenzoGatti 5 years, 2 months ago


I hope this is the right area in the forum to post this question? ? 

There are games with clear data and restore purchases in the settings page. 

  1. Question#1: What all does get cleared when clicking on clear data? Does this only clear player statistics & player experience? What about things that the player has purchased with in-game currencies (Can this be an option placed from the developers end?
  2. Question#2: What does get restored when clicking on restore purchases? Will it restore everything that the player has purchased with real currency?  

I have a basic idea on what these 2 features do but would also like to know of all the possibilities available?





Anything could happen. Ask the support people of the specific game!

If you are thinking of implementing some industry standard commands in your game, "clear data" is absolutely too vague and "restore purchases" needs a lot of context to have any hope of not being too vague. Just think of commands you need and label them clearly, for example categories of "data" that a player might want to clear:

  • clear all saved games
  • delete this saved game
  • clear statistics
  • abort game in progress

or, if "purchases" consist of downloaded content, meaningful ways to "restore" them:

  • redownload and reinstall this extension
  • disable this extension
  • enable this extension
  • reset settings of this extension to defaults

and so on.



Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

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